An addiction that hurts

Formerly, children that we were, we played ball, marbles, spinning top, bride and groom… We also played hide and seek. The girls played square, tug of war and also indulged in the game of five stones… children nowadays have only one game: the tablet.

Nabil, father of two children aged 13 and 15, often laments this famous electronic tablet, from which his children cannot detach themselves and to which they remain “stuck” for several hours, even in the evening and during the sacred hours of the day. sleep !

This tablet is always present; it accompanies them where they are: neatly stored in the satchel or concealed under the pillow.

Nabil is not the only parent who complains regarding this situation; several parents are in the same situation; their concern is justified, because, from a health point of view, the excessive use of this magic slate is harmful to the child’s organism, both physically and mentally.

The situation is very funny, the majority of parents have not found a way to prevent their offspring from being dependent on this game. “I hesitate between the use of force and good communication with my son”, confides Nabil to us, who continues: “I tried all the means… My son can hardly manage to free himself from his tablet which prevents him from sleeping”.

Next to the electronic tablet, joins the smartphone which opens to the child a whole horizon of leisure and visual distractions.

Attention, danger !

The abuse of this electronic game unfortunately has harmful reverses: in terms of physical health, the child sleeps badly, if at all. He does not enjoy a deep sleep, since he is constantly awake, tirelessly tapping the keys of his tablet. On the educational level, the child, who is at the beginning of his schooling, botches his homework and his revisions, which has repercussions on the intellectual level. On the mental level, this dependence acts negatively on the brain of the child, who feels more and more prisoner of this machine, the continuous use of which risks annihilating, in the long run, his youthful thoughts to make him access , before term, to the world of adults.

Children today are premature adults; their ideas, as well as their mental faculties are altered by exogenous data harmful to their way of thinking…

The risk of depression

A recent study has shown that several patients interned in the Razi psychiatric hospital are adolescents who suffer from depression linked to addiction to mobile devices, a disease that is rampant among young people who are addicted to this new mode of communication.

Mentally fragile children quickly catch the addiction virus linked to addiction and the misuse of tablets and smartphones. The most complexed easily catch the virus because they are unable to imitate others (friends via Facebook or Instagram) who constantly send photos and videos showing off their lifestyle in various luxury hotels and restaurants.

Indeed, everything is completed and well filmed in these videos and shots, trips, wedding parties, hikes in dream sites, etc.

Teenagers and children who are deprived and deprived of this type of leisure are content to see others, they feel disadvantaged and only passively view these photos and videos of others.

Unable to access this luxurious life, they feel trapped, because they cannot afford to reach this level or aspire to the way of life of their fellows.

Seriously complexed, these unfortunate kids curl up at home… and in the long run, they get depressed.

Limit the damage

It turns out that the imminent danger linked to this child’s game, this magic game, is very serious. To warned parents to avoid buying tablets for their children who are still young.Monia, mother of two children, a girl (16 years old) and a boy (14 years old), found the trick by registering them in a sports Club. “The sports field is vast. There is tennis, swimming, football, handball… It is up to the child to choose the discipline he wants to practice”. For Monia, the practice of sport gives the child back his liveliness, his morphology and his mental balance. The cultural sector is also highly recommended, theater, music, painting, art in general without forgetting the reading novels are all valuable assets in order to keep the child away from this addiction, which is none other than the abusive use of electronic games.



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