AMS boss wants to restrict educational leave again

AMS boss Johannes Kopf therefore wants to limit educational leave again, he said in an interview with the “Salzburger Nachrichten”. “In the medium term, unemployment figures will fall again and then we will have too few workers,” said Kopf, explaining his plan.

For the AMS boss, educational leave had already become a social plan for many employees in the crisis year of 2009. These people had signed a termination agreement with their employer that took effect after the year of educational leave. This resulted in an extended maternity leave – under better conditions than with conventional support, emphasized Kopf.

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With the coronavirus pandemic, the proportion of online education leave has also increased significantly. “It is often no longer about improving job opportunities,” said Kopf.

And according to Kopf, 40 percent of those taking educational leave do not return to the company. This means that this measure is not in the interest of the company. A deductible for the company should therefore be considered.

For employees who need time off for care, childcare or a personal crisis, other instruments would have to be created – or something would have to be saved up beforehand.



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