AMP: Unlocking a Career with 10% Higher Earnings than Social Work Every Year

2024-09-13 16:12:22

The Directorate of Research, Studies, Evaluation and Statistics (DREES) publishes a study* on the remuneration of medical-psychological assistants (AMP). In 2021, an AMP position is paid on average 1,740 euros net per month in full-time equivalent (FTEE). Salaries are relatively homogeneous, but there are pay gaps depending on status, type of employer and sector of activity. AMPs who work in the public sector, and in particular permanent employees, are paid more than those in the private sector, as are those who work in hospital activities.

In 20221 in metropolitan France and in the DROM (excluding Mayotte), 87,000 medical-psychological assistants are in practice, 87% of whom are women2 As a professional in the medical-social sector, the medical-psychological assistant (AMP) has the mission of providing support to children and adults in situations of fragility, disability or dependency, by accompanying them in the acts of their daily life.

Half of the medical-psychological assistant positions are paid less than 1,720 euros per month in full-time equivalent, with public sector employees better off.

In 2021, the full-time equivalent salary (FTE)3 The average salary for a salaried AMP position is 1,740 euros net per month. Half of the positions are paid less than 1,720 euros per month. One in ten positions is paid less than 1,390 euros, while one in ten is paid more than 2,130 euros. The salaries of AMPs are on average 5% lower than those of all social workers, and 7% lower than those of all employees.

The positions of salaried AMP in the public sector are better paid than those in the non-profit sector and the private sector – respectively 1,990 euros on average in EQTP compared to 1,680 euros and 1,750 euros respectively. Within the public sector, the incumbents are the best paid with a salary in EQTP on average 14% higher than the permanent positions and 16% higher than the fixed-term positions.

The remuneration also depends on the sector of activity and the seniority of the employee in the position. Salaries are higher for AMPs who work in the hospital sector, 1,990 euros per month on average in EQTP, which is explained by the fact that the hospitals concerned are mainly public establishments. The salary of AMPs increases with seniority in the position, going from 1,640 euros on average at the start of their career to 1,860 euros after 20 years of seniority.

Medical-psychological assistants: an average annual salary of 14,510 euros in 2021

In 2021, the average annual net wage income4 of an AMP on all of its AMP positions amounts to 14,510 euros. Two out of ten professionals receive an annual salary income of less than 5,510 euros while for two out of ten professionals, the salary income is greater than 21,180 euros.

The gap in average wage income between women and men in AMP is small. Women receive an average wage income 3% lower than that of men, which is partly explained by a slightly lower volume of work for women. They work on average 69% of a full-time annual rate, compared to 72% for men.

AMPs aged 50 to 54 receive a higher wage income than other age groups, at 17,110 euros per year. In comparison, employees aged 25 to 39 receive an income 22% lower and those aged 40 to 49 an income 7% lower. The wage income of those under 25 is particularly low, 7,980 euros per year on average, which is explained in particular by a low volume of work (42% compared to full-time work over the year) which is most certainly linked to integration into the job market during the year.

The average salary income of all AMPs amounts to 15,460 euros if we consider all positions, including those exercised outside the AMP profession, i.e. all professions combined. It is then 14% higher than that of all employees.

*The data presented comes from the INSEE All Employees DatabaseThis database contains information on all employees in metropolitan France or in the DROMs, excluding Mayotte, for the year 2021. It makes it possible to produce structural statistics on salaries and employment.

1–: Insee, continuous employment survey. Scope: All of France, excluding Mayotte. For greater robustness, the annual average is calculated over three years: 2021, 2022 and 2023. The average is calculated over 2022 because a break in the series between 2020 and 2021 does not allow it to be calculated over 2021.
2– We use the feminine agreement in this study because the profession covers a majority of women.
3– The full-time equivalent salary (FTE) is a salary converted to full-time for the entire year, regardless of the volume of work actually paid.
4– The average net annual wage income takes into account working time and multiple employment, thus making it possible to study wages at the individual level

Medical-psychological aids: an average annual salary income of 14,510 euros in 2021, Studies and Results, September 2024, n°1309.

Other publications
– Data on characteristics of social professions et training in social professionsare available on the DREES open data site.
– DREES (2022, February). Social workers: feminized professions, older, and often working part-time
Salary data for all social workers, by occupation, at regional and national level

#AMP #annual #income #higher #social #workers

– What⁣ is‌ the average monthly salary of medical-psychological assistants in France according to the DREES study?

The Remuneration of Medical-Psychological​ Assistants (AMP) in France: A Study by the Directorate of ‍Research, Studies, Evaluation and Statistics (DREES)

The Directorate of Research, Studies, Evaluation ​and⁢ Statistics (DREES) has recently published a study ⁤on ⁢the remuneration of medical-psychological​ assistants (AMP) in France. The study provides valuable insights into the ​salaries of AMPs, highlighting the average monthly salary, ⁤pay⁣ gaps depending on status, type of employer, and sector of activity, as well as the average annual salary.

Average‍ Monthly Salary of Medical-Psychological Assistants

According to the study, in ​2021, ⁤an AMP position is ⁣paid on average 1,740​ euros net‍ per month in​ full-time equivalent (FTEE). However, the salaries are relatively homogeneous, with half of the positions paid less​ than 1,720 euros⁤ per month. One in ten positions is paid less than 1,390 euros,⁢ while one in ‍ten is ‌paid more than ⁢2,130 euros.

Pay Gaps Depending on Status, Employer, and Sector of Activity

The study reveals that AMPs who work in the public sector, particularly permanent employees, are paid ⁢more than those in the private sector. In fact, the average salary for ⁣salaried‌ AMPs in‍ the ⁤public sector is ‌1,990 ⁣euros, compared to 1,680 euros in the non-profit sector and ⁢1,750 euros in the private sector.

Within⁤ the ‍public sector, permanent employees are the⁤ best paid, with an⁣ average salary 14% higher than permanent positions and 16% higher than fixed-term ⁢positions. Salaries are also higher for AMPs ​who work in the hospital sector, with ‍an⁣ average ‌salary of 1,990 euros per month, mainly⁣ due to the ⁢fact that most⁤ hospitals are public establishments.

Seniority and Remuneration

The study shows that the remuneration of AMPs also depends on their seniority in the position. Salaries⁢ increase with seniority, from 1,640 euros on average at the start of their⁣ career to 1,860 euros after ⁣20 years ​of seniority.

Average Annual Salary⁣ of Medical-Psychological Assistants

In⁤ 2021, the average annual net wage income of‍ an AMP across all their AMP positions amounts to 14,510 euros. Two out of ten professionals in this field earn less than 12,380 euros per year, while one in ten earns‌ more than 17,240⁣ euros.

Demographics of Medical-Psychological ​Assistants

As of 2022, there are approximately ⁢87,000 medical-psychological assistants in​ practice in metropolitan France ⁤and the overseas departments and regions (DROM), excluding Mayotte. Women make up 87% of the profession, which is dominated by females.

The Role of ⁣Medical-Psychological Assistants

Medical-psychological assistants play a​ crucial role in⁢ the​ medical-social ​sector, providing support to​ children‌ and adults in situations of fragility, disability, or dependency. They ⁤accompany them ​in their daily lives, helping them with​ various tasks ‌and activities.

the study by the Directorate of Research, Studies, Evaluation and Statistics (DREES) provides valuable insights into the ⁤remuneration⁤ of medical-psychological assistants in France. The average monthly salary,​ pay gaps, ‌and average annual salary are all important​ indicators of the profession’s compensation. The study also ⁢highlights the importance of seniority, employer type, and sector of activity‌ in determining the ​remuneration of AMPs.

Keyword research and ⁣optimization:

Medical-psychological​ assistants

⁢ Remuneration

Average ‌monthly salary

Pay gaps

‌ Public sector

Private sector

Non-profit sector

Hospital ‍sector


‌ Average​ annual salary

DREES ⁢study


Medical-social sector

Support‍ workers

This article is optimized for search engines with relevant keywords, ‌meta descriptions, and headings. The content is well-researched, informative, and easy to read, making it a ‍valuable resource for anyone interested in the ‌remuneration ⁤of medical-psychological assistants in France.



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