Among the changes proposed by the Ministry is the reduction of support for the renovation of apartment buildings | Business

Eglė Randytė, director of the public institution “Renew the City” of the Vilnius Municipality, which supervises the renovation processes, said that according to the new procedure, support for renovation projects would be reduced.

“Previously, the state support during the renovation to achieve B energy class reached 30%. for measures that increase energy efficiency, according to the new proposal it would reach only 15 percent. or even less. During the renovation, in order to achieve energy class A, support for measures increasing energy efficiency would amount to about 20 percent, compared to the previous 30 percent. state support”, she told the portal “”.

The president of the Lithuanian Housing Chamber, Algis Čaplikas, also confirmed that the support would decrease.

“Suppose, for a B-class renovation, from 30 percent. decreases to 12 percent. support, calculated by our specialists. If we count class A – from 30 percent. up to 18 percent support is declining. (…) Support for nine-story buildings is also decreasing. Because no matter how you calculate, according to this model they will be less interested in doing renovations, because they will receive even less support,” he told the “” portal.

The representative of the Ministry, adviser of the Housing Policy Group Živilė Liberienė emphasized that the changes would not affect those who can receive 100%. compensations for renovation costs, moreover, according to her, “taking into account the limited possibilities of the state budget, it is necessary to apply sustainable financing models”.

According to Ž. Liberienė, the minister’s order regulating the new procedure could be signed in October this year. In this case, the invitations published by the Environmental Project Management Agency (EPMA) this year would indicate which state support procedure (subsidies or fixed rate) will be applied to a specific multi-apartment house renovation project.

#Among #proposed #Ministry #reduction #support #renovation #apartment #buildings #Business
2024-09-04 21:25:08



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