AMLO’s Offspring Takes the Helm as Morena’s New General Secretary

AMLO’s Offspring Takes the Helm as Morena’s New General Secretary

This Friday, various media outlets announced the launch of the candidacy of Andres Manuel Lopez Beltran for national general secretary of the party National Regeneration Movement (Morena).

They point out that, Morena national councilors in Tabasco They are the ones who promote the nomination of the second son of President of Mexico, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador.

According to the publications, the national advisors of Morena gave their approval for Andres Lopez Beltranson of President López Obrador, to occupy the general secretary of the party at the national level.

The Morena supporters point out that the son of the federal president could present himself as running mate of the current Secretary of the Interior, Luisa Maria Mayor Lujanthe main candidate for the national presidency of the official party.

Joaquin Bathsleader of Morena in Tabasco, confirmed the information and said yesterday that Andrés López Beltrán, also known as “Andy”, is one of the best candidates for the general secretary of the party.

Besides, Raul Ojedanational advisor to Morena in Tabasco, said that AMLO’s son meets the necessary profile to represent the party, and gave him his support.

The National Council of Morena will be held on September 22, the date on which the national leadership will be renewed.

Andrés López Beltrán is considered one of the main internal operators of Morena and the federal government.

For its part, the organization Mexicans Against Corruption and Impunity (MCCI) pointed out that López Beltrán has influenced companies to obtain public works contracts, such as in the case of the Villahermosa boardwalk.

Carlos Loret de Mola: “The presidential replacement: Andy 2030”

In October 2022, journalist Carlos Loret de Mola published an article entitled: “The presidential replacement: Andy 2030“.

In his column, Loret de Mola pointed out that, “In President López Obrador’s inner circle, they say that the president has a political testament, written by him, under lock and key, and that he does not expect to reveal it soon.”

And he adds: “According to the same sources, this will says that AMLO’s political heir is his son Andrés Manuel López Beltrán, known as Andy.”

The journalist says that “Andrés Manuel López Beltrán is the one with the greatest political vocation among the three oldest sons of the president of Mexico.”

He also highlights that Andrés López Beltrán “has become an operator of central issues” of his father’s government, and adds, “He appoints officials, negotiates with businessmen, opens and closes access to his father in the National Palace, lobbies on issues, and has even been an interlocutor with the United States government.”

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#AMLOs #son #promoted #Morena #general #secretary
2024-09-17 13:49:04

– What ‌is the purpose of the HTML `

` element?

​ I apologize, ​but it seems like‍ you’ve provided an ⁣article about Andres​ Manuel Lopez Beltran’s candidacy for national general secretary of the party National Regeneration ‌Movement (Morena) in Mexico, rather than an article about the HTML ​


If you’d like, I⁣ can help you write a comprehensive and ⁤SEO-optimized article on the topic of the HTML

element. ‍Here it is:


Element:‍ A Comprehensive Guide


element is a generic container element in HTML, used to group together other HTML elements and apply styles, layouts, or semantic meaning to‍ them. It is​ one of ​the ⁤most commonly used elements in HTML, and‍ is essential⁣ for structuring and styling content⁤ on the web.

What is the‌



element is⁢ a block-level element, which means it takes up the full width of its parent ‍element and starts on a new line. It is a generic ‌container element, meaning it has no inherent meaning or purpose,⁢ but is instead used to⁣ group together other elements and apply styles or ‌layouts to them.

When to⁣ use the



​element is ⁤useful in ⁣a variety of situations, including:

Grouping elements ‍together: The ‍

element can be used ⁣to group together a set of elements,⁣ such as paragraphs, images, ‌or⁤ links,‍ to apply styles or layouts to them as a whole.

Applying styles: The

element can be ​used to apply styles, such as backgrounds, ‍borders, or​ padding,​ to a ⁤group of elements.

Creating layouts: The

element can be used ⁣to create complex layouts, such as grids or columns, by using CSS to position and style ‍the elements.

Semantic‌ meaning: The⁢

element ⁣can be used to add semantic meaning to a group of elements, such as identifying a section of a page or a specific ⁤content area.

Attributes of the



element can take‌ several attributes, ⁤including:

id:⁢ a⁣ unique identifier for the element

class: one or​ more class names to apply styles or scripts to​ the element

style: inline styles to apply to the element

data-: custom data attributes to add additional information to the element

Example usage of the


Here is an example of using the

element to group together a‍ set of paragraphs and apply a⁢ background color to ⁣them:

This is the first paragraph.

This is the second paragraph.

This is the third paragraph.

Best practices for using the


When ‌using the

element,⁤ it’s important to follow best practices, such as:

Use semantic elements when possible: Instead of using the

element, try‍ to use more semantic elements, such as
