AMLO’s ‘morning’ themes of July 29, 2022

President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador headed his conference morning from July 29 accompanied by part of his cabinet to publicize the strengthening of the federal plan in the face of water scarcity in Nuevo León.

In his conference, the president signed a decree that includes a series of measures with which, he assured, he guarantees water for the state for 10 years. Get to know all the topics here morning.

morning July 29

López Obrador celebrates economic growth in the second quarter; “we are recovering”

President Andrés Manuel López Obrador celebrated the progress in the Mexican economy after the Inegi will report that the GDP advanced 1% in the second quarter of the year.

“While in other countries it is being reported that it is decreasing economically, today the Inegi releases the information that already in the first half of the year growth of 2% and we are recovering, we are moving forward, this is very good news,” he said.

López Obrador signs decree to guarantee water in NL for 10 years

President López Obrador signed a decree by which The plan to guarantee water in Nuevo León is reinforced and which includes that the federal government will finance the El Cuchillo II aqueduct through Banobras, together with the state and municipal governments for a total investment of 15.7 billion pesos.

The director of Conagua, Germán Martínez Santoyo, explained that the federal government will be in charge of paying the interest derived from the Banobras credit, while it will contribute 7 thousand 850 million pesos from 2023, the government of Nuevo León 4 thousand 710 million pesos and the municipal governments 3 thousand 140 million pesos.

He added that agreements were reached with the region’s citrus beekeeping zone to provide up to a thousand liters of water per second for two months through the pumping of the Chapola Canal to the Linares-Monterrey aqueduct, while the DN-III plan will be reinforced with more tank vehicles to supply water to the poorest areas of the state.

López Obrador announces strengthening of the federal plan to guarantee water in NL

President Andrés Manuel López Obrador announced the reinforcement of the federal plan to guarantee the water supply in Nuevo León since, although measures are already being applied and some rains have occurred, the problem persists, especially for the poor population. With this plan, the president He promised that there will be water for 8 or 10 years.

“The problem is to solve the problem in the medium and long term and reinforce actions immediately, perhaps being strict in our assessment of the solutions that we are proposing and that they will be carried out with the support of the state and municipal governments, they will allow us to continue working forward. We promise that before the end of this government there will be a supply of water for 8, 10 years from now, starting now with this reinforcement plan, ”he said.


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