AMLO’s ‘morning’ themes of August 8, 2022

President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador headed his conference morning from August 8 from the National Palace, where he was accompanied by the head of Profeco, Ricardo Sheffieldand by the head of Sedena, Luis Cresencio Sandoval, who has already recovered from covid-19.

López Obrador revealed that it was Vicente Fox who granted the concession to the injured mine in Coahuila; know here all the topics of the morning.

morning august 8

Fox granted in 2003 a concession for a damaged mine in Coahuila: López Obrador

The concession of the damaged mine in Coahuila and in which 10 miners remain trapped was granted by Vicente Fox in 2003, assured President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, who added that it expires in 2053.

“There are a lot of clandestine (mines) everywhere. It started operating (the mine in Sabinas, Coahuila) this year without notice, with nothing. The concession dates back to 2003 (…), it was granted by Fox in 2003 and it expires in 2053”, he said.

He added that the tasks are focused on rescuing the workers and said that we must not lose faith that they will be alive, since they make holes or shelters. “No one is thinking of anything else, other than the rescue, they have a lot of faith, they explained to us that when they entered those mines, the miners themselves make holes, shelters and that is what they are thinking, to do as quickly as possible possible the extraction, the drain to be able to enter”.

López Obrador will issue an agreement for the National Guard to depend on Sedena

President Andrés Manuel López Obrador announced that he will issue a agreement this week so that the National Guard depends entirely on the Secretary of National Defense. “We only expect the result of the reform, but I already want Sedena to take charge,” he said.

“I am going to send the agreement to the dependencies this week and I am going to restructure the Ministry of Public Security and I am going to include this special function in the Ministry of Public Security because I have been issuing pardons, amnesties, giving instructions on freedom and We are not advancing and of course it is not just a matter of the Executive”, he commented.

López Obrador will present in writing to the UN a proposal for a global “truce

President Andrés Manuel López Obrador said that he will present in writing to the UN his proposal for the creation of an intermediation commission made up of him, Pope Francis and the Indian Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, to reach an agreement for a “ five-year global truce.

“The UN has to act more, the secretary general is good, but he has entered a phase in which they do not pay attention to him, they may be declaring and there is no response, the secretary general should send a respectful, but energetic note to the leaders politicians of the powers to call them to seek agreements, to achieve peace and it is a paragraph, to tell them ‘because of your confrontations in just one year they have caused this, they have precipitated the world economic crisis, they have increased inflation and they have caused food shortages , more poverty and the worst, in a year, due to the confrontations, so many human beings have lost their lives’, it is a paragraph, that is what they have done in a year and the proposal and that all governments support the UN”, express.

López Obrador celebrates “historic change” in Colombia with Gustavo Petro; discard match

President Andrés Manuel López Obrador celebrated the “historical change” in Colombia following Gustavo Petro take office this weekend as president of the country and said that for now he has no planned a meeting with him.

“Until now, with this change, there is hope that a new stage will begin in Colombia, we are very happy and hopefully it goes well for him, he will have a very active, strong opposition, but he is a man with convictions, he has political experience and he knows well what the formula is to confront conservative minorities,” he said.

He added that the Colombian president is invited to come to Mexico when he can. “The doors are open and we were very pleased that this change is taking place in Colombia.”

There are more than 70 thousand cubic meters of water extracted from the mine in Coahuila; they will use underwater drone

So far, from August 3 to date, they have been extracted 70 thousand 794 cubic meters of water and the pumping tasks continue day and night to remove the water so that the rescue teams can enter to take out the 10 miners that remain trappedreported the national coordinator of Civil Protection, Laura Velázquez Alzúa.

He added that the current workforce is 557 elements and 70 ground cars. This Monday’s tasks will include the raid of a underwater drone in the area for reconnaissance.

“We are working day and night, all night and day there is a permanent pumping of water extraction. We are giving all our effort, we are with the people and our goal is to rescue the miners”, he pointed out.




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