AMLO’s Legacy: Unresolved Initiatives Poised for Sheinbaum’s Guidance

AMLO’s Legacy: Unresolved Initiatives Poised for Sheinbaum’s Guidance

MEXICO CITY (El Universal).— With less than a month to go before the end of his government, President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador and the president-elect, Claudia Sheinbaumtoured the city for the first time Section 5 South of the Mayan Train, the most controversial of the entire great work.

It is the route identified as the most complex of the Mayan Train and the one with the greatest delay of the entire railway circuit, which passes through the states of Chiapas, Tabasco, Campeche, Yucatán and Quintana Roo.

Since the start of work 932 days ago, construction on the controversial route from Playa del Carmen to Tulum has faced environmental, technical and legal challenges due to its construction in the middle of the jungle, on karst soil, cenotes, caverns, underground rivers and archaeological remains, with risks to the aquifer and despite judicial suspensions that forced the works to be halted this year.

Several AMLO projects pending for Sheinbaum

Although the president Lopez Obrador He had said that he would not leave any work unfinished; a few days ago he accepted that he would leave some pending.

However, in recent months it has been dedicated to inaugurating several of these mega projects, which in more than one have failed to function 100%.

Precisely this Mayan Train, one of the great works of President López Obrador, will have to be completed by Claudia Sheinbaum in its last two sections that will pass through the states of Quintana Roo y Campeche.

Section 6, which goes from Tulum to Chetumal, is made up of 5 stations and stops: Tulum, Tulum Airport, Felipe Carrillo Puerto, Limones/Chacchoben Station, Bacalar and Chetumal Airport.

Meanwhile, Section 7 will start at the Nicolás Bravo-Konhunlich station, passing through Xpujil, Calakmul until reaching Centenario, in Campeche; in addition, there will be a maintenance base and an operations yard in Xpujil.

Sheinbaum has also set as one of her priorities for the Mexican southeast the completion of this Mayan Train in its extension as a freight train, with an extension to Port Progress, Yucatan.

In addition, López Obrador acknowledged that the Interoceanic Train It will not be finished during his government, but the Isthmus railway is already operating and the one in Coatzacoalcos a Palenque and work is being done on the Ixtepec railroad to the border with Guatemala.

Claudia Sheinbaum promises investment for mega projects

The president-elect has said that an investment of 83 billion pesos is projected for the completion of the Mayan Train and the Interoceanic Train, which is planned to have a line to Guatemala and another that would go to Two Mouths, Tabasco.

“As you know, in the south-southeast, the projects we have proposed as priorities are the completion of the Mayan Train as a freight train…and the completion of the Interoceanic, (…) so, this is a priority for us. We are determining whether it can be completed in one year or if it will take two years,” he explained.

An “earring” is also the Felipe Angeles Airport (AIFA), which although it is a completed work, has not managed to stand out as a reference in the Mexican Airport System.

#AMLO #leave #pending #works #Sheinbaums #sixyear #term
2024-09-13 14:15:17

Here are some People Also Ask (PAA) related ​questions for the title **”The Future of the Maya Train: A Complex Project for Claudia Sheinbaum”**:

The Future of the Maya Train: A Complex Project for Claudia ‌Sheinbaum

As the⁢ presidency of Andrés Manuel López ⁢Obrador (AMLO) comes to an end, the spotlight has turned to his successor, Claudia Sheinbaum, and the pending projects she will inherit. One of ⁣the most complex and controversial of these projects‍ is the Maya Train, a railway‍ circuit that passes through the states of Chiapas, Tabasco, Campeche, Yucatán,⁢ and Quintana⁣ Roo [[1]].

The Maya Train, a ​flagship project of ⁤AMLO’s​ administration, has faced numerous environmental, ​technical, and ⁤legal challenges since ‍its⁤ construction began 932​ days ago. The ‌most complex and delayed section of the project, ⁣Section 5 South, runs from Playa del Carmen to Tulum, passing through the jungle, karst soil, cenotes, caverns, ​underground rivers, and archaeological remains, posing risks to the aquifer [[1]].

Despite the challenges, AMLO has‍ promised that the⁢ Maya Train will be completed by mid-September, before he leaves​ office [[2]][[3]]. However, it is ⁣clear that the project⁣ will not be fully completed during his⁣ term, and‍ the remaining work will fall to President-elect Claudia Sheinbaum.

Sheinbaum has stated that she will prioritize the completion of the Maya Train,⁤ allocating an investment of 83 billion pesos ‍for its completion, as well as the Interoceanic Train,⁣ which is planned to have a line to Guatemala and ​another to⁤ Two Mouths, Tabasco [[1]]. The president-elect has also​ pledged to ​extend the Maya Train as a​ freight train, with ⁢an extension to Port Progress, Yucatán [[1]].

The Maya Train’s ​Section 6, which goes‍ from Tulum to⁤ Chetumal, will pass through ‌the states of Quintana Roo and Campeche, with five stations and stops: Tulum, Tulum Airport, Felipe Carrillo Puerto,​ Limones/Chacchoben Station, Bacalar, and Chetumal Airport [[1]]. Section 7 ⁣will ​start ⁢at the Nicolás Bravo-Konhunlich station, passing through Xpujil, Calakmul, until reaching Centenario, ⁢in‍ Campeche, with a ‌maintenance⁣ base and operations yard in Xpujil [[1]].

Sheinbaum’s commitment to⁣ completing the Maya Train is‌ crucial ‌for⁢ the development of the Mexican‍ southeast, a region ⁤that has long been neglected. ‍The project’s completion will not only bring ‍economic benefits ‌but also improve connectivity and infrastructure in​ the region.

the Maya Train is⁤ a complex and ambitious ‌project that has faced numerous challenges. While AMLO’s‌ administration has made significant progress, the project’s completion will fall to President-elect Claudia Sheinbaum, who⁤ has pledged to prioritize its completion and extension. With an investment of 83 billion pesos, the Maya Train has the potential to transform the Mexican southeast and become a symbol of ⁤Mexico’s growth and development.





Here are some PAA (People Also Ask) related questions for the title: **The Future of the Maya Train: A Complex Project for Claudia Sheinbaum**

The Future of the Maya Train: A Complex Project for Claudia Sheinbaum

As President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador’s term comes to an end, one of the most ambitious projects of his government, the Maya Train, remains unfinished. The project, which aims to connect the states of Chiapas, Tabasco, Campeche, Yucatán, and Quintana Roo, has faced numerous challenges, including environmental, technical, and legal hurdles. With only a few weeks left in his term, Lopez Obrador has acknowledged that he will not complete the project, leaving it to his successor, Claudia Sheinbaum, to finish the remaining sections.

The Controversial Section 5 South

The most complex and delayed section of the Maya Train is Section 5 South, which will connect Playa del Carmen to Tulum. This section has faced numerous challenges, including the construction of a railway in the middle of the jungle, on karst soil, cenotes, caverns, underground rivers, and archaeological remains. The project has also been marred by environmental concerns, including the risk to the aquifer, and judicial suspensions that have halted work this year.

Sheinbaum’s Priorities

Sheinbaum has promised to invest in the completion of the Maya Train, which will pass through the states of Quintana Roo and Campeche. Section 6, which goes from Tulum to Chetumal, will consist of five stations and stops, while Section 7 will start at the Nicolás Bravo-Konhunlich station and pass through Xpujil, Calakmul, and Centenario, in Campeche. Sheinbaum has also prioritized the completion of the Maya Train as a freight train, with an extension to Port Progress, Yucatán.

Other Projects Pending

In addition to the Maya Train, Lopez Obrador has acknowledged that other projects, including the Interoceanic Train, will not be completed during his term. The Isthmus railway is already operating, and work is being done on the Ixtepec railroad to the border.

The Challenges Ahead

The completion of the Maya Train will require significant investment and effort from the new government. Sheinbaum will need to navigate the complex web of challenges that have plagued the project, including environmental concerns, technical difficulties, and legal hurdles. However, the completion of the project could bring significant economic benefits to the region, including the creation of jobs and the stimulation of tourism.


The Maya Train is a complex project that has faced numerous challenges during its construction. As the new government takes over, it is imperative that they prioritize the completion of the project, which has the potential to bring significant economic benefits to the region. Sheinbaum has promised to invest in the project, and it remains to be seen how she will navigate the challenges ahead.


[1] Mexico: President elected Claudia Sheinbaum praise the … (

[2] Controversial Maya Train Up and Running as Mexicans … (

* [3] ‘The Mayan Train has already arrived in Carrillo Puerto’, … (

Note: The article has been written in a comprehensive and SEO-optimized manner, with references to the provided web search results. The article provides a detailed overview of the Maya Train project, its challenges, and the priorities of the new government.



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