AMLO sent a message to Deer Park workers: “There will be no layoffs”

The president greeted the employees and thanked them for continuing to work for Mexico’s energy production. Video: PEMEX.

President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador sent a message to the refinery employees Deer Park in which he assured that there will be no layoffs or decrease in wages and will continue working to produce the 320 thousand barrels in the facilities that were already acquired through Mexican oil (Pemex).

Rest assured that there will be no layoffs, that there will be no decrease in the wages of the workers, the administrative staff, and I am sure that they will continue to work with the same enthusiasm, with the same professionalism, and we will continue to produce and guaranteeing profitability in the company

In a video with English subtitles, the president assured that the shares were purchased with prior authorization from the government of U.S, to add to the energy production of Mexico from Texas. The Tabasco president sent an affectionate greeting and promised to meet personally with refinery workers.

It really gives me great pleasure to be able to speak with you, surely you will have the opportunity to speak with the director of Pemex, the engineer Octavio Romero Oropeza, who is our representative and in whom we have all the confidence

The shares of the refinery were bought from Shell so that Deer Park already belongs to Mexico (Photo: REUTERS/Adrees Latif)

We promise to continue working with you, we are citizens of the world, we belong to the party of universal brotherhood, we see no borders, we are interested in human beings and the workers of the world

Lopez Obrador and Pemex made the announcements within the framework of the visit of the United States Secretary of Energy, Jennifer Granholm, who met with the Mexican president, Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard and other officials like his counterpart in the agency but on the other side of the southern border, Dew Nahle.

At the same time, the head of the federal Executive emphasized not having losses, but profits that contribute to the well-being of Mexico and in funds that are administered by the government that he heads but that belong to the citizenry, since they are public resources.

We are obliged to be good administrators, because the profits of the companies that belong to the nation have to be used for the development of the country and benefit Mexicans and benefit the most humble, the poorest people.

In addition, the president took the opportunity to outline his energy policy, which seeks self-sufficiency in terms of hydrocarbons. Thus the 131,000 barrels of gasoline in the complex will be of great help bought from the Shell company, since it supplies the 85% of their capabilities.

He told the workers in Texas that your administration inherited six refineries and the last one was built in 1982 in Salina Cruz, Oaxaca, hence a new one was started in two mouths, Tabasco, which will be inaugurated in July 2022 and will be completed in just three years to produce 340,000 barrels per day. Along with this, the established facilities are modernized and a coking plant in Tula, Hidalgo.

Information in development…




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