AMLO says that the FGR can call Peña Nieto to testify

MEXICO CITY.- Andres Manuel Lopez Obradorrequested this Monday to the Attorney General of the Republic (FGR) to summon the former president to testify Enrique Pena Nieto (2012-2018) “if there are elements” regarding their responsibility in the case of the disappearance of the 43 students from Ayotzinapa in 2014.

“If the Prosecutor’s Office considers that it is possible, and elements must be given to call former President Peña to testify, it is up to the Prosecutor’s Office to do so, nothing more than what I think of Mr. Zerón very tricky the one that now is blaming President Peña“, López Obrador said in his morning press conference.

EPN fabricated the “historical truth” of the Ayotzinapa case: Tomás Zerón

The statements occurred after the newspaper El Universal published a note with Statements by Tomas Zeronformer head of the Criminal Investigation Agency (AIC), who from Israel answered a 70-question questionnaire in which He accused Peña Nieto of constructing the “historical truth”the previous Government’s version to close the Ayotzinapa case.

Zerón assured, in said questionnaire, that the “historical truth” was organized during meetings at the official residence of Los Pinos, with the presence of Peña Nieto and the secretaries of National Defense, Navy, and Government, and the director of the extinct National Intelligence Center (Cisen).

The former head of the AIC stated that he was already instructed Jesus Murillo Karamthen holder of the Office of the Attorney General of the Republic (PGR), go to the media and give the version that the 43 students were killed and incinerated the same night of his kidnapping in a garbage dump in Cocula, Guerrero.

He also refused to accept any responsibility for the case and said he was merely a spokesman for the version created by the government headed by Peña Nieto.

AMLO says he does not protect Peña Nieto

On Monday, López Obrador responded to insinuations that he is protecting the former president.

“I do not protect anyone, I am not a cover-up, I am not an accomplice for anyone. I do not establish relations of complicity with anyone, but at the same time we act in accordance with the truth because we are not going to use scapegoats or fall into what the media used to applaud,” he said.

He also said that if Zerón received instructions on the case, he should come to Mexico from Israel, where he is in self-exile, to testify and assume his responsibility.

“So if he told Alejandro Encinas (former head of the Ayotzinapa Truth Commission) what he is saying, he should come and confirm it to the Prosecutor’s Office,” he said.

He also noted that the FGR could proceed against Peña Nietobut this was not done from the beginning because the former prosecutor, Murilo Karma, assumed full responsibility for the events.

Ayotzinapa case: 10 years of impunity

The case is about to turn 10 years old after being unsolved on September 26, 2014, when 43 students from the Ayotzinapa Rural School disappeared while heading to Mexico City to protest for the anniversary of the Tlatelolco massacre, which occurred on October 2, 1968.

During López Obrador’s six-year term, the case continued to be controversial, as the parents of the missing accused him of not moving forward with the investigations, as he promised during his electoral campaign in 2018.

Read: Relatives of the 43 from Ayotzinapa are dissatisfied with AMLO’s management

#AMLO #FGR #call #Peña #Nieto #testify
2024-09-02 14:34:33



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