AMLO says goodbye to bankers amid applause, they thanked him for not changing banking operations

He President Andrés Manuel López Obrador offered the first public farewell to his government during the 87 Banking Conventionwhich was held this Friday in Acapulco Guerrero.

Before the plenary session of managers and public officials in the financial sector, the president pointed out that his greatest achievement and greatest reason for pride is having lifted more than five million Mexicans out of povertyin spite of the pandemic.

He pointed out that the country’s economy reports solid growth, which reached 3.2% in 2023; pointed out that there is a record of jobs registered with the IMSSwith more than 22 million workers, while the minimum wage rose more than 110% during his administration.

Without caring regarding the electoral ban, marked by the INE by presidential elections on June 2López Obrador highlighted that Mexico is one of the nations with the least unemployment in the world, with a rate of around 2.6%.

In addition to the fact that the price of basic basket Of 24 products, which his government established, it fell from 1,39 to an average of 800 pesos; international reserves reached another record of 36 billion dollars and The peso is one of the strongest currencies globally.

During his speech, Lopez Obrador He also earned applause from the audience by using phrases like “these are the other data”, or “there is the detail as Cantinflas said”, to emphasize that his management made it possible to reduce high-impact crimes such as homicides, kidnappings and car theft.

Thus, at the end of the message, he commented to the audience: “I will no longer be at the next Banking Convention, I am going to Palenque in five months; I say goodbye to you in advance, you have treated me very well, with respect and I believe that it has been reciprocated.

“I have treated them with respect as well and I have fulfilled my commitments since the beginning of my government… Thank you very much with all my heart”said President López Obrador, while the bankers gave him a series of applause that made him feel so comfortable and appreciated that he left the auditorium with both hands raised in victory.

Bankers appreciate AMLO’s work

In turn, the president of the Association of Banks of Mexico (ABM), Julio Carranzaalso thanked the president for having fulfilled the promise of do not change the rules of banking operation during the six years of his government, which ends in September of this year.

“Since 2019, in its first participation -in the Banking Convention– The president transmitted a message of certainty and confidence, to boost the growth of the economy and the country.

“He said he would not change banking legislation… we clearly remember in his message; There has been no change of gifts, which has been completely accomplished. Thank you very much Mr. President!”

In that context, Julio Carranza He highlighted that “in this environment of certainty”, the bank achieved a record investment, with a growth of 60% in net capital and a mark of 1.6 trillion pesos; in addition to 1.3 billion pesos that are ready to grant new loans, in support of the growth of the economy.

He emphasized that bank credit It reached 6.8 billion pesos during the last year, with a growth of 36% during the six-year term that is regarding to conclude; with an average annual increase of 10% in the last 20 years.

“Mexico has a healthy, solvent and liquid banking system that stands out internationally. We also respect and value the autonomy of the Bank of Mexicowho have done a great job in controlling inflation and managing monetary policy that is recognized worldwide,” said the president of the ABM.

#AMLO #goodbye #bankers #applause #thanked #changing #banking #operations
2024-04-20 11:50:35



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