AMLO. Relations between Mexico and Honduras will continue twinning

The President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador ensured that relations between the governments of Mexico y Honduras they will continue to twin.

Before leaving for Belize, the fourth nation visited on his international tour of Central America and the Caribbeaninterview with the media in Tegucigalpa, Honduras, the Mexican president highlighted his affection for the Honduran people and reiterated his support for the president of that country, Xiomara Castro.

“She is doing very well, they have a very good president, Xiomara Castro is a woman with principles and ideals, she has a lot to come, a good future for the people of Honduras, that is what I can tell you, we are leaving very happy, very taste”.

Read more: AMLO arrives in Cuba to complete his political rapprochement with Havana: experts

President López Obrador said that his Honduran counterpart does not need advice or recommendations for his electricity reform initiative to be approved.

“Nothing, nothing, she is a woman who has a lot of fighting experience and the most important thing is that there is no divorce with the people, because President Juarez said: with the people everything, without the people nothing,” he said, saying goodbye to the representatives Of the media.




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