AMLO Rallies Thousands with a Passionate Final Plea for Independence

Before thousands of people gathered on the Zócalo square, the president of Mexico, Andres Manuel Lopez Obradorgave his last Cry of Independence as head of the Executive, as he is two weeks away from finishing his term.

After naming the heroes who gave Mexico its homeland, such as Miguel Hidalgo, Josefa Ortíz de Domínguez and Vicente Guerrero, the president praised the so-called Fourth Transformation, Mexican workers and migrants.

“Long live Independence! Long live Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla! Long live Josefa Ortiz de Domínguez! Long live Ignacio Allende! Long live Leona Vicario! Long live José María Morelos y Pavón! Long live Vicente Guerrero! Long live the anonymous heroines and heroes! Long live freedom! Long live equality! Long live justice! Long live democracy! Long live our sovereignty! Long live universal brotherhood!” shouted the president from the balcony of the National Palace.

AMLO addresses thousands of Mexicans with his final Cry of Independence

AMLO’s Last Cry for Independence

López Obrador also called for the eradication of discrimination, racism and corruption in the country.

«Mexicans! Mexicans! Death to corruption! Death to greed! Death to racism! Death to discrimination! Long live love! Long live Mexican workers, who are among the best in the world! Long live our migrant brothers! Long live indigenous peoples! Long live the cultural greatness of Mexico! Long live all Mexicans! Long live the Fourth Transformation! Long live Mexico! Long live Mexico! Long live Mexico!», she continued.

The Grito de Dolores on September 15 is the last one given by López Obrador, who in two weeks will end his six-year term and hand over power to Claudia Sheinbaum, the first woman to hold the highest political office in the country.

After the fireworks display, the president was moved to tears by the cries of thousands of Mexicans who chanted “It’s an honor to be with Obrador!” and “President, President, President!”

From the balcony of the National Palace, López Obrador sent hugs to his followers, who on numerous occasions throughout his six-year term packed the Zócalo to support the president.

During the ceremony, the president was accompanied by his wife, the writer and researcher, Beatriz Gutiérrez Müller.

With information from Sputnik

#AMLO #addresses #thousands #Mexicans #Cry #Independence #president #country
2024-09-17 12:04:39

– How did AMLO’s last Cry of Independence address the issues of corruption and discrimination ​in‌ Mexico?

AMLO’s Last Cry for Independence: A Call​ to Eradicate Discrimination and Corruption

As thousands of‍ Mexicans gathered​ in the‌ Zócalo ⁢square, President Andrés Manuel ⁢López Obrador (AMLO) ‌delivered his final Cry of Independence,⁣ a historic event marking the country’s struggle for freedom ​and sovereignty. With just two weeks remaining in his ⁢six-year term, AMLO ​used this opportunity to praise the heroes⁢ who fought for Mexico’s independence, celebrate the country’s ⁢cultural greatness, and urge the eradication of corruption, discrimination,‍ and ⁤racism.

Honoring Mexico’s Heroes

In his emotional address, AMLO paid tribute to the country’s national heroes, including Miguel Hidalgo, Josefa⁤ Ortíz⁣ de Domínguez, and Vicente Guerrero, who fought against Spanish ‍colonial ‌rule to gain independence for⁢ Mexico. He also recognized the bravery ​and sacrifices of anonymous heroes who contributed to the country’s⁤ struggle for freedom.

The Fourth Transformation⁢ and Mexico’s Workers

AMLO highlighted the achievements of the ⁣so-called Fourth Transformation, a series of political and social reforms aimed at promoting democracy, ⁤equality,⁢ and social justice in Mexico. ⁢He praised ⁤the country’s workers, who he believes ‍are among the best in the world, and expressed his admiration for the courage and resilience of Mexican migrants.

A Call to Action Against‍ Corruption and Discrimination

In his passionate speech, AMLO called for the eradication⁤ of corruption, discrimination, and racism in‌ Mexico, urging his fellow citizens to work together to build a more just and equal society. “Death to corruption! ⁢Death to‌ greed! Death to racism! Death to discrimination!” he exclaimed, emphasizing the need for unity and solidarity in the face of adversity.

A Historic Moment in Mexican History

AMLO’s last Cry⁤ of Independence marks a significant moment in Mexican history,⁤ as it coincides with the end of his presidential term and the beginning of a new era under the leadership of Claudia ​Sheinbaum, the first woman to hold the highest political office in the country. As Mexico looks‌ to the future,‍ AMLO’s words serve ‌as a reminder of the ⁤country’s struggle for ⁢independence and ‌the importance ⁤of continuing ⁢to fight for freedom, equality,​ and justice.

The Legacy of AMLO’s Presidency

AMLO’s presidency⁢ has ⁣been marked by significant reforms and initiatives aimed at ⁤promoting social justice,‍ reducing inequality, and increasing access to education and healthcare. While his⁢ term has not⁣ been without controversy, his commitment to the welfare of​ the Mexican people has earned ​him widespread‍ popularity and admiration.


As Mexico celebrates its independence and​ bids farewell to AMLO’s presidency, the country looks to ⁢the future‌ with hope and optimism. The challenges faced by Mexico are many, but with a strong sense of national pride and a commitment‌ to the principles⁣ of freedom, equality, and justice, the Mexican people are poised to overcome any obstacle and build a brighter ⁤future for themselves and their children.

SEO Keywords: AMLO, Cry of Independence, Mexico, Independence Day, Fourth Transformation, Corruption, Discrimination, Racism, Claudia Sheinbaum,⁢ Mexican History, Social Justice, Equality.

Optimized Images:

AMLO addresses⁢ thousands of Mexicans in‌ his last Cry of Independence as president of the ⁣country (Image ‍description: AMLO standing on the balcony of the National Palace, waving to the⁤ crowd with a⁣ proud expression)

AMLO’s last Cry‍ of Independence (Image description: A crowd of people gathered ​in ‍the Zócalo square, waving Mexican flags and cheering)

Internal Linking:

For more information on ​AMLO’s ⁢presidential‌ term​ and his legacy, visit [link to article on AMLO’s presidency]

Learn more ⁤about the history of Mexico’s independence and the significance of the Cry of Independence​ [link to article on the history of Mexican independence]

External Linking:

Wikipedia article ⁣on Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO)

Article on the Fourth Transformation‍ and its implications for Mexico’s future

What were the main themes addressed by AMLO in his last Cry of Independence?

AMLO’s Last Cry for Independence: A Call to Action for Mexico’s Future

On September 15, thousands of people gathered on the Zócalo square in Mexico City to witness a historic moment – President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador’s (AMLO) last Cry of Independence as head of the Executive. With just two weeks left in his six-year term, AMLO used this opportunity to reflect on Mexico’s past, acknowledge its present challenges, and inspire its people to strive for a better future.

Honoring Mexico’s Heroes

In his address, AMLO paid tribute to the heroes who fought for Mexico’s independence, including Miguel Hidalgo, Josefa Ortiz de Domínguez, Vicente Guerrero, and others. He also celebrated the country’s cultural greatness, its indigenous peoples, and the contributions of Mexican workers and migrants.

Addressing Corruption and Discrimination

AMLO’s speech was not just a nostalgic look back at Mexico’s history; it was also a call to action to address the pressing issues of corruption, racism, and discrimination that continue to plague the country. The president passionately declared, “Death to corruption! Death to greed! Death to racism! Death to discrimination!” He urged the Mexican people to work towards a future where love, equality, justice, and democracy thrive.

The Fourth Transformation

AMLO has often referred to his presidency as the “Fourth Transformation,” a period of significant change and reform in Mexico’s history. In his speech, he reiterated the importance of this transformation, which aims to eradicate corruption, promote economic growth, and improve living standards for all Mexicans.

A Emotional Farewell

As AMLO finished his speech, the crowd erupted in cheers, chanting “It’s an honor to be with Obrador!” and “President, President, President!” The president was visibly moved to tears by the show of affection, and he responded by sending hugs to his followers.

The Legacy of AMLO’s Presidency

As AMLO prepares to hand over power to Claudia Sheinbaum, the first woman to hold the highest political office in Mexico, his legacy as a champion of social justice and reform will be remembered. While his presidency has not been without its challenges and controversies, AMLO’s commitment to addressing Mexico’s deep-seated problems has inspired a new generation of leaders and citizens to strive for a better future.

The Future of Mexico

As Mexico looks to the future, the country faces many challenges



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