AMLO on the ‘constitutional moratorium’ of Va por México

Andres Manuel Lopez Obradorpresident of Mexico, attacked the opposition alliance goes to Mexico following they presented on Thursday a ‘constitutional moratorium,’ which establishes that in the remainder of the 65th Legislature of Congress of the Union is not approved any initiative reform to the Constitution.

At the morning conference National Palace celebrated in OaxacaPresident López Obrador affirmed that the opposition has always blocked his initiatives in the Congressand made it clear that attitudes such as the constitutional moratorium do not help them before the people of Mexico.

It is nothing new, it is what they have done, to be blocking, they do not propose anything, they do not help, they are dedicated to getting in the way. The one who does not get in the way but does not want to change helps a lot, they continue with their strategists, their advisers, political scientists, experts,” he said.

“Imagine saying ‘we are going to block an electoral reform’, how useful is that? ‘Nothing more because we want us to have the possibility of continuing to commit fraud, that the door not be completely closed to us, because if we continue to have undemocratic electoral advisers we can carry out fraud and mock the will of the people’”. she stressed her.

Nothing more than things have already changed, it is the people who walk, who decide, we have just confirmed it in the last elections, only they have a different vision. If reality isn’t what they want, let reality be crushed (…) That doesn’t help them, but they are as if to tell them ‘follow him, there they take him’. Well, let them go their way, ”he declared.

the coalition goes to Mexico presented on Thursday the constitutional moratorium “in order to preserve the division of powers and democracy, severely injured in the three years of the current government.”

The national leaders of the Institutional Revolutionary parties (AT), Alexander Moreno: National Action (PAN), Marko Cortes; as well as the Democratic Revolution (PRD), Jesus Zambranodetailed that the coalition will stand firm ahead of the 2023 elections in the State of Mexico and Coahuila, as well as the 2024 presidential elections.

With information from López-Dóriga Digital



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