AMLO guarantees that there will be no impunity in crimes against journalists

Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, President of Mexico, guaranteed that there will be no impunity in the attacks and murders once morest journalists in the country.

In the morning conference held from the state of Hidalgo, Lopez Obrador warned the intellectual and material authors of the crimes once morest journalists that there will be punishments.

“Sometimes it is thought that it is the same as before, that is why we have to be saying like a broken record: it is no longer the same, we are not the same, do not be confused, there is no protection. Nothing regarding ‘we have bought the square and we are well off, what’s more, since we gave money in the campaign so that the Municipal President won, any authority, the Secretary of Public Security is already at our service’, that is over ” , said the Mexican president.

January became a tragic month for the journalistic guild with the murder of four reporters.

The dead journalists were Joseph Louis Gamboto in the port of Veracruz (Veracruz) the 10th of January; margarito martinez Y Lourdes Maldonado in Tijuana (Lower California) on January 17 and 23, and Robert Toledo last January 31 in Zitácuaro (Michoacan).

Not counting this last case yet, the organization Article 19 records 148 journalists killed for their work from 2000 to date, 28 of them during the mandate of Lopez Obrador, which started in December 2018.

After a crime in December 2018 and 10 in 2019, the country registered 7 homicides of communicators in 2020 and another 7 in 2021.

Ricardo Mejia Berdeja, Undersecretary of Security and Citizen Protection (SSPC), pointed out that in the cases of Martínez and Maldonado, there are important advances in the investigation and that arrest warrants will be issued very soon.

There are very important advances, both in the modus operandi, both in the mechanics of the facts, all the necessary technical and legal inquiries have been made to be able to prosecute these cases. It is expected that in a very short time the first orders of apprehension,” he argued.

With information from López-Dóriga Digital



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