AMLO Claims Ciro Gómez Leyva is Advancing Oligarchic Agendas

AMLO Claims Ciro Gómez Leyva is Advancing Oligarchic Agendas

MEXICO CITY.- On Wednesday morning, during his usual press conference, the President of Mexico, Andres Manuel Lopez Obradorassured that the journalist Ciro Gomez Leyva is not your friend, but his adversary and accused him of being “a journalist at the service of the oligarchy”.

This after yesterday Ciro Gomez Leyva responded to the federal president after he called him “my friend Ciro”, asking what kind of friendship he was referring to.

In his radio show on Grupo Fórmula, Gómez Leyva reproached President López Obrador for insulting him for six years and yet he has “never, never, never” insulted him.

This Wednesday morning, without any questions, at his press conference, the head of the federal Executive affirmed that he has never insulted the journalist, whom he said was a friend of former President Felipe Calderón, Genaro García Luna and Manlio Fabio Beltrones.

“We are going to respond to a comment that Ciro Gómez Leyva made yesterday, which is that he said that I was not his friend, I made that mistake, or it was a way of expressing that I do not have enemies, I have adversaries, but I said ‘friend’, and well no, he is not my enemy, because I do not have enemies, nor do I want to have them, I have adversaries, but as I said friend he said he is not my friend, he is my adversary. He is a friend of Felipe Calderón, of García Luna, of Manlio Fabio Beltrones, but he dares to say that I am not his friend because they tried to kill him and he leaves an insinuation that a friend does not do that. I just want to clarify to Ciro that in no way do we have the purpose of taking anyone’s life,
to no person.”

“I have not insulted him and all I have done is point out that he is a journalist at the service of the oligarchy.”

At the National Palace, the federal president said that his differences with Ciro Gómez Leyva are because they defend different national projects.

“I insist, he is my adversary, not my enemy, and I hope he understands that these are not personal matters, it is not a dispute between Ciro and the president. No, no, no, they are different national projects.”

President López Obrador wished “my adversary all the best.”

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#AMLO #claims #Ciro #Gómez #Leyva #service #oligarchy
2024-09-09 18:50:09

What led to the conflict between AMLO and Ciro Gómez Leyva ​regarding their relationship?

The War of Words: AMLO vs. Ciro Gómez Leyva

In a recent press conference, Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) sparked controversy ‌by ⁤referring to journalist Ciro Gómez Leyva as his adversary, ⁣rather than his friend. This statement came in response⁢ to Gómez Leyva’s reaction to AMLO’s previous mention of him as⁢ “my friend Ciro” [[2]]. The journalist had questioned the nature of their friendship, given the president’s criticisms of him over the‌ past six years [[1]].

AMLO clarified that he does not consider⁣ Gómez Leyva an⁣ enemy, but rather an adversary, as they defend different national ​projects [[3]]. He also accused the journalist of being “a journalist at the service of the oligarchy,” implying that Gómez Leyva’s interests align ‍with those of the ⁤wealthy elite [[1]].

Gómez ​Leyva, who has been a vocal critic of AMLO’s government, had reproached the president for insulting him for six years‍ while he himself had never retaliated with insults [[2]]. The ⁢journalist’s response was‍ seen as a challenge to AMLO’s assertion of friendship, prompting the⁢ president to reevaluate their relationship.

The exchange between AMLO and Gómez Leyva⁢ reflects a deeper divide between ‌the two figures, with the president⁣ representing a populist, left-wing ideology and ⁢the journalist associated with a more conservative, ⁤pro-business stance. The controversy has sparked debate about the role of‍ the media in Mexican politics and the limits of free speech in ⁤the⁢ country.

In the midst of this war of words, AMLO has come under fire for his perceived attacks on‌ the media and his opponents. Critics argue that his rhetoric⁢ has contributed to a toxic⁤ political environment, where dissenting voices are marginalized and silenced. Meanwhile, supporters of the president see him as a champion of the people, battling against⁣ the corrupt elites ⁤that have ‍long dominated Mexican politics.

As the drama unfolds, it remains to be‌ seen how the ⁤relationship between AMLO and Gómez Leyva will evolve. One thing is ⁢clear, however: the battle for public opinion has become a key front in the struggle for⁣ power and influence in Mexico.


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What sparked the ongoing feud between AMLO and Ciro Gómez Leyva?

AMLO vs Ciro Gómez Leyva: The Feud Continues

The tension between Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) and journalist Ciro Gómez Leyva has reached new heights. In a recent press conference, AMLO referred to Gómez Leyva as “my friend Ciro,” sparking a heated response from the journalist [1[1]. Gómez Leyva questioned the president’s concept of friendship, asking if a true friend would insult and threaten someone, as AMLO has done to him in the past.

AMLO fired back, stating that Gómez Leyva is not his friend, but rather his adversary [2[2]. The president accused Gómez Leyva of being a “journalist at the service of the oligarchy” and claimed that the journalist has aligned himself with powerful figures, including former President Felipe Calderón, Genaro García Luna, and Manlio Fabio Beltrones.

Gómez Leyva has been critical of AMLO’s administration, and the president has repeatedly lashed out at the journalist, accusing him of being biased and working against him. The feud has been ongoing for six years, with AMLO regularly mentioning Gómez Leyva in his morning conferences [3[3].

The latest exchange between the two has sparked concern about the state of press freedom in Mexico. AMLO’s attacks on Gómez Leyva have been seen as an attempt to silence critical voices and intimidate journalists who dare to question his administration.

As the feud continues, it remains to be seen how it will affect the relationship between the government and the media in Mexico. One thing is certain, however: the tension between AMLO and Gómez Leyva is unlikely to dissipate anytime soon.



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