AMLO asks the five richest people in Mexico to give their opinion on overrepresentation

AMLO asks the five richest people in Mexico to give their opinion on overrepresentation

MEXICO.- Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, asked This Tuesday at five richest people in the country debate about the “overrepresentation” that the businessmen denounce that there will be in Congress and that will allow approve the controversial reform of the Judiciary.

The president proposed this discussion in his morning conference after the Business Coordinating Council (CCE), the private sector’s top executives, requested this week that the National Electoral Institute (INE) to avoid the “over-representation” of the ruling party in the distribution of proportional representation legislators.

“I would like the most respected people in business organizations to be informed about this case and I would like to propose five people who I would like to know about this argument: the five richest people in Mexico, according to Forbes magazine,” said the Mexican leader.

Who are the five richest people in Mexico?

The five people, according to the list displayed by the Government, are Carlos Slim, German Larrea, Ricardo Salinas Pliego, Alejandro Baillères y Maria Asuncion Aramburuzabala.

AMLO asks the five richest people in Mexico to give their opinion on overrepresentation

The president has argued that businessmen “want the Constitution to be violated” to prevent the Morena, PT and PVEM alliance from having, starting in September, the two-thirds control of both houses of Congresswhich would allow the Constitution to be amended without any obstacles and support judicial reform.

“It would be very strange, odd, if the person with the most money in Mexico, Carlos Slim, were in favor of violating the Constitution, But I want your opinionbut no more simulations, no more having business organizations as a shield and nothing more than formality,” he said.

Controversy over judicial reform

López Obrador and the private sector have clashed over the investment risks that would bring about judicial reform, would force judges to be elected at the pollsmagistrates and ministers of the Supreme Court, who would have to campaign and make proposals.

Although the judges called for a strike on Wednesday for fear that it would affect the judicial career and open the door to interests in the elections, the president criticized that “those from economic and financial organizations” are opposed to a reform so that “justice is done.”

In addition to the presidential victory of Claudia Sheinbaum, Morena and its allied parties They won 256 seats out of 300 that are elected by direct vote and 62 senators out of 96, but the INE still has to distribute the 200 deputies and 32 senators by proportional suffrage this Friday.

Read: The strike of workers of the Judicial Branch of the Federation continues in Mérida

#AMLO #asks #richest #people #Mexico #give #opinion #overrepresentation
2024-08-27 22:55:52



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