Amiu: Restart the suspended competitions. 4000 candidates left without any news – Oltre il Fatto

Amiu: Restart the suspended competitions. 4000 candidates left without any news – Oltre il Fatto

Intervention of the Brothers of Italy Council Group at the Municipality of Taranto, Giampaolo Vietri and Tiziana Toscano

“Over four thousand citizens who applied for the competitions announced in recent years by Amiu are waiting to know when the competition procedures will be resumed. The silence of the municipal administration that has lasted since November 2022, from the day the agents of the flying squad intervened by blocking the competition for 11 environmental inspectors, is absolutely disrespectful towards the competitors who since then have not received official communications or updates on the matter and who remain, despite themselves, hanging on to the hope that these competitions can be resumed. Therefore, we ask the mayor to restart at least eight of the nine competitions not subjected to investigation as soon as possible and to give official information about the will of the administration, finally clarifying that they know the procedures and initiatives that will be adopted aimed at ensuring the transparency and regularity of the competitions. This is not only in the interest of the thousands of candidates who also paid a fee of ten euros to participate in the competition, but it is also of Amiu so that it can improve the service given that the company, in addition to management and organizational responsibilities, operates with shortness of breath especially due to the lack of waste operators, drivers and administrative employees. These competitions in fact concern the hiring of about sixty work units to meet a shortage of personnel that with the passing of the years is growing due to further retirements. Organic shortages that evidently affect the absolutely poor urban hygiene service; inefficiency that is manifested in the neglect and filth in which the city is immersed. Carrying out the competitions planned by hiring personnel is therefore one of the necessary actions to make the subsidiary company function adequately at the same time as strategic actions regarding business planning, the reorganization of services and the economic recovery of the same. In fact, the operating result announced for 2023 does not reflect the real situation of Amiu which must be analyzed together with the deficit of previous years and the total amount of debts contracted so far which, to the best of our knowledge, amount to millions of euros”.

Amiu: Restart the suspended competitions. 4000 candidates left without any news – Oltre il Fatto

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