Ami Dror: The very discourse stems from the concealment of the Prime Minister


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Ami Dror, one of the leaders of the protest against Netanyahu: “The Prime Minister has to report to the public according to law about his medical condition, this is improper and it is a consistent thing, so we need to change it”

Social activist Ami Dror tweeted about Prime Minister Netanyahu’s medical condition and wrote that ‘no one knows where he is hiding’, wanting to say that the Prime Minister is hiding in one of the medical centers around the country. Arel Segal and David Wertheim spoke with Dror on air and tried to understand why he eventually deleted the tweet, and what he demands from the Prime Minister’s office.

At the beginning of the conversation, Dror admitted that he does not have a medical education, and added: “I agree that I was in a hurry, and by the way I deleted the tweet. I wrote it not while he was in surgery but the day before, due to the fact that there was no idea where the Prime Minister was for two days. The Prime Minister should To report to the public according to the law about his medical condition, he doesn’t do it, it’s an improper thing, and it’s a consistent thing, so we need to change it. It’s our right to know what the prime minister’s health is. We shouldn’t hide the prime minister in the State of Israel.”

“The very discourse stems from the concealment of the Prime Minister,” he clarified. “I do know that the Prime Minister does not report properly according to the law, and I do know that there is a cover-up by the Prime Minister. In retrospect, what happened was that he was tested on the weekend. The point is that the Prime Minister must obey the law in the State of Israel. I am not ashamed to say that I was also wrong, but it has nothing to do with the fact that the prime minister does not act according to the law. In an enlightened country, the prime minister should fulfill the law. The prime minister is a criminal who does not work according to the law – the law requires him to report on his medical condition, the law requires him to report on his financial condition.”

Dror continued and attacked: “A prime minister who is a criminal who does not comply with the law, does not report, does not share his schedule – this is criminality. Do you see how the poison machine works? After all, Prime Minister, his time is limited in weeks. He fails to bring victory, to return the kidnapped, he fails to bring us, he fails and fails and fails and fails. For me, he will go because 80 percent of the country’s citizens do not want to see him as prime minister. My bet is that by the end of this year there will be a new government.”

“The Americans are doing everything they can to help us not destroy ourselves”

According to him, “The Americans recognize that the Prime Minister of the State of Israel endangers the State of Israel and the Middle East, endangers the integrity of the world, and therefore the Americans, and many other countries in the world, are doing everything they can to help us not to destroy ourselves, to free the kidnapped, to win the war”.

In response to his statements, Sgal wondered how the Americans intend to topple the Prime Minister, and Dror replied: “For the Americans, there are three stages here, the first one they changed retrospectively was the whole humanitarian issue. They are building a port and expropriating from us the biggest lever of pressure we had in the Strip because of our dysfunction and the government’s inability to plan for the day after. Their main goal is not to topple the prime minister, their goal is to achieve stability here and return the abductees, exactly the opposite of what the prime minister wants, because he wants to preserve the war.”

“Abortion is a way, this is also what you see now with the families of the abductees who understand that the prime minister is an obstacle,” he emphasized. “Once you’re hungry you can’t fight, for two months we’ve been fighting in Rafah instead of fighting. They are fighting at the level of the Israel Defense Forces, at zero level, I am talking to people who are there. We are not fighting, we need to fight in a much stronger, aggressive way. The government does not allow, the prime minister does not allow the IDF to win, to fight, he surrenders to political pressures “.

He also claimed that “the prime minister is preventing us from fighting. For half a year, the abductees have not returned home. You need a stick and a carrot, with one hand to attack, which the State of Israel has not been doing for months, and on the other hand, you have to make sure that civilians who are not involved can live their lives. The Americans, the Saudis, and the Egyptians They want us to destroy Hamas, and we are like rags because of a weak prime minister, that all he cares about is politics and survival, taking time prevents us from winning the war.”

“In a transitional government it will be very difficult to allow a deal,” said Sgal, and Dror refused to agree: “No, there is a majority for the deal. More than that, even for real, aggressive action in Rafah, all the opposition parties will line up to push the Israeli government. We want them to fight, to defeat Hamas, to return the kidnapped – we do not want a government that is run in a political way. Shame, 134 people kidnapped, after six months, the strongest army in the Middle East, what a shame. The prime minister wants to gain time in the prime minister’s chair, he doesn’t really want to pay the prices you have to pay to win the war.”

Finally, Dror criticized the conduct of the Prime Minister against the background of the establishment of the emergency government. “If the Prime Minister were to remove Smotrich, Ben Gvir and the racist gang from the government tomorrow, Lieberman, Lapid and anyone else he wanted would come in. The second you remove the dark racists, you have a coalition of 80 people here tomorrow morning led by Prime Minister Netanyahu, who will remain There, he will fire Smotrich and Ben Gvir, and you will see the broadest government that has ever been here. He is unable and he does not want to. He wants to drag out time, the war at a low intensity.”

Editing: Shani Romano


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