America’s nuclear strategy changed to deal with China, Russia, North Korea – World

The US has changed its nuclear strategy in view of the growing threats from China, Russia and North Korea. A new strategy has been formulated which was considered indispensable to face the growing challenges in this regard.

US President National Security Council Deputy Spokesman Sean Savett has told the media that China is strengthening its nuclear arsenal. Russia is also on the same path. North Korea has been constantly engaged in the development of nuclear weapons. In such a situation, it has become necessary that the US also changes its strategy regarding the nuclear arsenal.

According to a report published in the New York Times, the US Presidency says that the nuclear strategy was drawn up earlier this year and has also received the approval of President Joe Biden.

It should be noted that Russian President Vladimir Putin has threatened to use nuclear weapons several times during the Ukraine war. They say that any attempt to wall off Russia will not be tolerated.