American visa, why can they deny it?

The Visa americana It is one of the documents that most Colombians request at some point, as it is the most important requirement when traveling or migrating to another country.

However, when carrying out this procedure, there are some fears that the application will be rejected in the middle of the consular interview.

Refusals or denials can range from admitting a different type of visa than the one you are applying for, to a criminal conviction that makes you ineligible.

These permits or authorizations are only given by the consular officers of each State or country, since applicants have to meet certain requirements in accordance with the Law.

Can read:

Having a criminal record, lying in the consular interview, having been illegal in the country you are going to enter, insufficient economic documents that guarantee your solvency, are the most common reasons why they usually deny this document.

In addition, another reason can be presented with visa denied per section 214(b)which corresponds to the lack of passport requirements or if, on the contrary, you did not respect the established times of your B1/B2 Visa.

Other reasons:

  • Public charge – Section 212 (a): The embassy official may consider that you may become a public charge to the United States. That is, that he has to receive government assistance.
  • Fraud and Misrepresentation – Section 212 (a) (6) (C) (i): Falsification of documents or having participated in fraud during the visa application process.
  • Public Health and Safety: Be identified as a risk to public health and safety in the United States.
  • Being a guardian of a person deemed inadmissible.
  • Being a foreigner suspected of participating in human trafficking.
  • Being a person who gave up citizenship to avoid taxes.



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