American Research: Where Are Electric Vehicles Heading? – MIDOR – LATEST EAST OKU

Studying in the United States: What Happened to E-Autos?

By Jennifer Klein, Washington

Researchers in America have recently concluded that electric vehicles (EVs) can sometimes move guardrails significantly during accidents.
This revelation aims to raise awareness of the risks associated with electric cars on the road. That’s just what we need—a car that not only rides the road but redecorates it while it’s at it!
It’s like a traveling art installation gone rogue!

Electric Cars vs. Conventional Cars: The Great Guardrail Debate

The findings show that electric vehicles might cause more movement of road barriers than traditional gasoline vehicles. It’s an interesting predicament; are we really protecting drivers or just giving them a free ride to the nearest repair shop?

Cody Stolle, Chief Research Director at ZDFheute, rolled out the tapes on a study that looks alarming at first glance. When those zippy electric cars hit the roads and the occasional guardrail, scientists are left pondering, “Are we grossly underestimating the consequences of our silent assassins?”

The Tests: EVs Having a Heavy Say on Road Safety

Since autumn 2023, researchers in Lincoln have tested electric vehicles like the Rivian pick-up and the Tesla Model 3.
In one amusing yet alarming test, the electric pick-up knocked over a steel guardrail. I guess it wanted to show it’s not just a car, but a bulldozer in disguise!
Almost makes you wish for a big sign that reads, “Caution: You may encounter a rogue truck.”

“We believe that electric vehicles have huge safety advantages over gasoline vehicles…”
– Cody Stolle

But wait! Compared to their combustion counterparts, EVs are noticeably heavier!
And if you’ve ever snorted at the weight of electric cars, then you’ll be chortling as we realize that today’s average car weighs more than our neighbor’s dog!
Or that trunk we all wish was less of a boat anchor.

The Global Implications: Can We Adapt?

The study leads us to ask: are current road systems prepared for this cavalcade of heavy electric vehicles?
Researchers suggest it’s time for an infrastructure upgrade—because if the cars are getting heavier, so should the barriers, or we could be in for a slapstick gag that ends poorly.

The message is clear: if we’re marching towards a future of electric vehicles without suitable guardrails, we may well be hedging our bets on disaster.
Surely nobody wants to be the unfortunate soul pulled over for a comedy of errors involving pushing concrete blocks and motorists who misjudge their might!

Conclusion: Road Safety in the Age of E-Autos

As electric vehicles carve out their niche on the highways of America—and internationally—the implications extend beyond what’s under the hood.
There’s a call to action for authorities to rethink road safety measures in light of this heavy new trend.
We can’t risk having road signs become part of a car’s ‘collateral beauty’—not if we hope to avoid a scene from a slapstick comedy film.
So remember, folks: if you’re driving an electric vehicle, keep your hands on the wheel and an eye on the guardrails—who knows when they might decide to switch sides!

Studying in the United States:What happened to E-Autos?

Von Jennifer Klein, Washington

Dalam sebuah penelitian di Amerika, electric cars sometimes move guardrails significantly in the event of accidents. The scientists want to raise awareness of the risks.

Listrik yang disertakan Vehicles move guardrails more than conventional cars. US researchers memperingatkan tentang security gaps then call for better road barriers (archive image).

Source: EPA

In case of accidents electric car After stopping operation, immediately perform an impact test United States of America. Results raise the question of whether current safety barriers on the roads are sufficient.

Cody Stolle is Chief Research Director at ZDFheute.

Keine Kaufprämie mehr, zu wenig Ladestinationen, mangelhafte Strominfratruk. Electric vehicles combined with Imageverlust. Is it a village? Until Gnann spoke at the Fraunhofer-Institut. April 29, 2024 |. 5:27 min

Not sure about the road boundaries and the listrik?

A worrying result, because in the USA such concrete blocks are usually used as median strips on highways or to secure construction sites.

Since autumn 2023, the scientists in Lincoln have carried out several tests with two different electric cars, the pick-up from the US manufacturer Rivian and the Tesla Model 3. In one of the test runs, for example, the electric pick-up broke through a steel guardrail . Del Tesla Kompornya adalah glaiche guardrail dan drove under Hinduisme. Kekeliruan yang Tidak Dapat Dihindarkan: Road restrictions Road restrictions are not safe enough for electric cars.

Tests were carried out on Chinese taxis and also on electric vehicles. Die Förderung wird in Europa mit Skepsis betrachtet. July 16, 2024 |. 1:35 min

Heavy kendaraan listrik sebagai burner

The results of the crash tests also show the weight of the electric cars, and scientists say that electric cars are significantly more on the scale than comparable combustion engines.

While there is a trend towards heavier vehicles in many vehicles, electric vehicles are generally significantly heavier than their petrol-powered counterparts.

Cody Stolle, Midwest Roadside Security

Di Jerman, ini adalah majalah otomotif tentang mobil, otomotif, dan olahraga. According to the magazine, Uji insurers pointed out back then that German guardrails and barriers could no longer adequately withstand the increasing weight of new cars.

Out of combustion engines, free travel on electric cars. Politics sendiri memang seperti itu. Saya Netz receives shitstorms from critics. But a look at the facts brings disillusionment.12 September 2021 |. 28:56 menit

new social order

According to the report, the protective devices are mainly tested in approval tests on cars weighing a maximum of 1.5 tons. However, the average new German car now weighs almost 1.7 tons.

Pertama-tama, kita perlu memahami tanggal Britania Raya. Accordingly, the probability of pedestrians being hit by a car is twice as high for electric or hybrid vehicles as for diesel or gasoline engines.

The researchers said the reason was that cars with an electric motor are significantly quieter than cars with an internal combustion engine. Merek seperti electric cars juga telah dibahas lebih lanjut. The reason is the built-in high-voltage batteries. If this adalah anggota merek ADAC.

What about E-Ladestationen and Deutschen Raststätten? ZDF journalists Lothar Becker and Thomas Müther vom ADAC Nordrhein carry out tests.15 October 2024 |. 11:27 min

Forscher: E-Autos work well if that’s the case

Dennoch sind is a member of the Lincoln Electric Vehicle Research Center. This is “Sicherheit der Fahrzeuginsassen angeht, geben die Wissenschaftler Entwarnung”. The inner workings of E-Pick-Ups were tested on teenagers.

According to the researchers, the forces that acted on the test dummies inside the car during the collision were within the legal framework.

We believe that electric vehicles have huge safety advantages in many ways compared to gasoline vehicles. (…) Dia sudah stable. It’s easy to see how it works.

Cody Stolle, Midwest Roadside Security

Vehicle-to-Grid is a critical component of Strom electric vehicles. What does it do?17 May 2024 |. 4:32 min

Demand for adjustments in road traffic

Based on the results of the research, the scientists want to ensure that road barriers are adapted to the increasing number of electric cars at an early stage.

This ensures that concrete barriers are pushed onto construction workers. In short: the streets should become safer.

Hydrogen, combustion engine atau electric? Topi Which vehicle drive adalah efficiency terbaik? Which one produces the lowest emissions – calculated over the entire life of the car? October 7, 2024 | 1:46 menit



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