American Football: Thunder wins last home game after overtime | ZEIT ONLINE

American Football: Thunder wins last home game after overtime | ZEIT ONLINE

Berlin Thunder had a successful end to the season at the Friedrich-Ludwig-Jahn-Sportpark. The Berliners won their last home game in the European League of Football (ELF) against the Wroclaw Panthers from Poland with 36:34 (23:23, 13:9) after the fifth overtime.


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It was not only the last home game of the season, but also the last football game ever at the venue in Prenzlauer Berg. The dilapidated stadium, which has hosted numerous historic moments in sports, will soon be demolished and rebuilt. One thing is certain: Thunder will need a different stadium next season.

“We’re playing too sloppily,” was Berlin’s head coach Johnny Schmuck’s halftime summary on the TV channel ProSiebenMAXX. But Schmuck also blamed the referees for his team’s poor performance at times. He complained that the referees failed to punish too many of the Panthers’ fouls.

It was about prestige

The encounter was not only characterized by two strong-willed teams that engaged in an open exchange of blows, but also by some important moves that resulted from mistakes made by the other team.

In terms of sport, there was not much at stake – apart from prestige. Next weekend, Berlin will play its last game of the season against Rhein Fire. Thunder will then have a day off on the last match day. The playoffs are already out of reach for the footballers from the Spree.

Berlin Thunder had a successful end to the season at the Friedrich-Ludwig-Jahn-Sportpark. The Berliners won their last home game in the European League of Football (ELF) against the Wroclaw Panthers from Poland with 36:34 (23:23, 13:9) after the fifth overtime.

It was not only the last home game of the season, but also the last football game ever at the venue in Prenzlauer Berg. The dilapidated stadium, which has hosted numerous historic moments in sports, will soon be demolished and rebuilt. One thing is certain: Thunder will need a different stadium next season.



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