America on the Brink: A Look at the Possibility of Civil War Through the Lens of Film

2024-04-08 04:00:00

Have you seen the poster for the American film? Civil War Who will be playing in our theaters on Friday?

Quite terrifying, thank you.

We see snipers lurking in the torchbearer of the Statue of Liberty, pointing their weapons at the people walking below.

It feels like the height of the war in the former Yugoslavia, when neighbors who until then lived in peace started shooting each other in the street.

Americans once morest Americans

In the trailer, we see a man being held at gunpoint by a militiaman armed to the teeth.

“Hey, hey, stop pointing your gun at me, I’m an American, like you,” the man said.

— Yes, but what kind of American?

Meaning: whose side are you on? Who are you voting for? What ideas do you defend?

To paraphrase George Orwell: in this warrior’s mind, all Americans are equal but some “are more equal than others.”

Cinema is a window open to the unconscious of a people.

Do you want to know what the fears, concerns and aspirations of a people are? Look at the films that these people produce.

What the movie release Civil War tells us is that for Americans, a second civil war breaking out at home, 159 years following the end of the first, is now a possibility.

They begin to consider it in their fiction.

By the way, the Civil War which split the country in two and left 617,000 dead ended in 1865, on… April 9.

January 6: a prelude?

This trailer must have struck my imagination because I dreamed regarding it during the night from Saturday to Sunday.

A terrible civil war broke out among our neighbors to the South, and hundreds of thousands of Americans crossed the border to seek refuge in Canada.

I was caught with my girlfriend and my children in Maine… Even there, in this super peaceful state, people took up arms!

A nightmare that has nothing to do with reality? Not sure.

There are many Trump supporters. Radicals. Crinqués. And armed to the teeth.

And as Luc Laliberté pointed out the other day at QUB, for them, either Trump wins the next elections and democracy is the most beautiful system in the world, or Trump loses and the people have had their elections stolen by a anti-democratic and decadent elite.

Heads, the Republicans win. Tails, the Democrats lose.

The assault on the Capitol which stunned the whole world on January 6, 2021 risks having been a practice of what awaits Americans if The Donald loses his elections a second time.

A real war

It’s been 50 years since a culture war ignited passions in the United States.

With the radicalization of the Republican Party which, following allowing the religious right into its ranks, opened its doors wide to cuckoos and conspiracy theorists, this war which was initially a war of words risks becoming a real war.

This is what happens when we always focus on what separates us rather than what unites us.

#civil #war #United #States



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