Amendment of the Land Law needs to listen to local opinions

(PLO)- According to the Deputy Prime Minister, the consultation with the draft Land Law (amended) needs to identify the target audience, key content, and ensure conditions when implementing…

On the followingnoon of January 27, Deputy Prime Minister Tran Hong Ha chaired a meeting with relevant ministries and branches on collecting people’s opinions on the draft Land Law (amended).

At the meeting, the representative of the Land Law Project (amended) Project Editorial Team, Mr. Dao Trung Chinh, Director of the Department of Land Resource Planning and Development (Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment), said that so far there are only two ministries and 10 The province promulgates a plan to collect people’s opinions on the draft law.

The drafting board also received many comments through the website focusing on some contents of compensation, resettlement, general regulations, land recovery, land registration, land finance…

In the coming time, MONRE will coordinate with ministries and sectors to organize a working delegation to urge ministries, branches, agencies and localities to collect opinions on the Draft Land Law (amended); organize intensive conferences, thematic consultations of socio-political organizations, experts, scientists, business associations…

The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment will coordinate with ministries and sectors to organize working delegations to urge ministries, branches, agencies and localities to collect opinions on the Draft Land Law (amended). Photo: VGP

At the meeting, Ms. Doan Thi Thanh Mai, Vice Chairwoman of the National Assembly’s Economic Committee suggested coordination between the appraisal agency and the drafting agency when collecting comments on the draft. Such as issues of land finance, land prices; recovery, compensation and support for resettlement; management and use of agricultural land; management and use of land encroached on the sea, multi-purpose land; management and use of land in industrial parks and economic zones; review the uniformity between the Land Law and other related laws (Law on Real Estate Business, Law on Housing…).

Speaking here, Deputy Prime Minister Tran Hong Ha also suggested some other key contents such as mechanisms and policies to promote land resources in infrastructure development; policies on land access, investment attraction in Vietnam…

“The collection of opinions must be with the right audience and substance. In the process of receiving, it is necessary to pay attention to valid and specific opinions on each article and content of the draft law, contributing to perfecting the policy; at the same time There must be close coordination between the drafting agency and the appraisal agency,” emphasized the Deputy Prime Minister.

Deputy Prime Minister Tran Hong Ha assigned the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment to assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with other ministries and sectors in, reviewing and making appropriate plans to amend relevant laws in force or in the drafting process. ensure synchronization with the Land Law (amended).

The Deputy Prime Minister requested the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment and the Government Office to review and advise the Prime Minister to remind and urge ministries, branches, agencies and localities to organize the collection of people’s opinions on the draft Land Law. belt (modified).

Specifically, identifying the target audience and key content, organizing research, synthesizing opinions, proposing the direction of absorption and correction so that the draft law is practical, feasible, and predicts policy impacts. , ensure the conditions of human and material resources when implementing.

Deputy Prime Minister Tran Hong Ha: Amending the Land Law needs to listen to local opinions photo 2
Deputy Prime Minister Tran Hong Ha suggested a number of key contents in the draft Land Law (amended) that need to be consulted by the people. Photo: VGP

During the local consultation process, the Deputy Prime Minister noted the differences in land policies in the Central Highlands, the Red River Delta, the Mekong Delta, and the northern mountainous region. Therefore, the drafting agency and the appraisal agency need to directly listen to opinions from the locality, focusing on key and key issues. From there, make specific policies suitable for each region and each locality.

The Deputy Prime Minister also gave specific comments on the plan to urge and inspect the work of collecting people’s opinions on the draft Land Law (amended) in the locality, especially the unresolved problems; consolidating the Standing Steering Committee for reviewing the implementation of the Land Law and developing the Land Law (amended) project…

Theo VGP

Prime Minister asked to immediately start work following the Lunar New Year

Prime Minister asked to immediately start work following the Lunar New Year

(PLO)- The Prime Minister requested units and localities to immediately start work, without delay affecting production and business.




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