Amberhead is really cold!The former agent revealed her tragic situation: being blacklisted by Hollywood | ETtoday Starlight Cloud | ETtoday News Cloud

Reporter Liu Wanxin / Comprehensive Report

American actress Amber Heard (also translated as Amber Heard) lost a lawsuit against her ex-husband Johnny Depp for mutual defamation and was ordered to pay 10.35 million US dollars (about 300 million Taiwan dollars), But she was dissatisfied with the verdict and decided to appeal. Johnny Depp tore off the label of domestic abuser, and his career that fell to the bottom is gradually coming back to life. On the other hand, Amber was blacklisted by Hollywood because of his lies, and his former agent Jeffrey Nightbyrd even came forward to comment on the matter .

▲ Amber and Johnny completely tore their faces after their divorce. (Photo/Dazhi Image/Associated Press)

Jeffrey signed Amber Heard when she was 17 years old. The two worked together until Amber became popular with “Aquaman.” Now she has been blacklisted by major Hollywood producers, thinking that no one will want to make a film with her, saying that she is “completely abandoned” like what happened to Johnny Depp before. However, according to his understanding of Amber, he believes that the other party will never give up. If no one asks her to make a film, she is likely to “come on her own” and try to release the work herself.

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▲▼Amber Heard.  (Photo/Dazhi Image/Associated Press)

▲Amber’s former agent thought she would never give up. (Photo/Dazhi Image/Associated Press)

Jeffrey said that Amber Heard is very smart, and bluntly said, “I bet she will come back with the work she created and directed.” However, as a partner who has worked with Amber for many years, he urged Amber to do more ” Practical” things, don’t put all the goals in life on money, but also sour that she should learn from her ex-husband Johnny Depp, thinking that Johnny Depp has been spending his time in meaningful ways in the past when he was spurned. matter.

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