The Special Environmental Management Plan (PGES)* updated by the Ambatovy company was signed on March 31. This was done by the president of Ambatovy and the director general of the National Environment Office (ONE), Rakotoson Rija.
This new management plan covers the period from 2023 to 2027. It covers the mining in Ambatovy Moramanga, the pipeline that transports the sludge, the processing plant in Toamasina, the port and the collection point. the material following processing. There is also the aspect of social development (PGEDS), Ambatovy’s measures and activities in terms of environment and social. In addition to the environmental permit, it was granted in 2006.
This revision of the PGES confirms Ambatovy’s commitment to the environment. One of these is the respect of the valid laws defined by the MECIE decree.
Njaka A.
*ESMP: Specific Environmental Management Plan