Ambassador of FFI 2024 and Efforts to Expand Indonesian Cinema Treasures

FFI Ambassadors Kamila Andini (left) and Dian Sastrowardoyo (right) (MI/Rifaldi Putra Irianto)

ACTRESS Dian Sastrowardoyo and Director Kamila Andini were appointed as Ambassadors of the Indonesian Film Festival (FFI) for this year. They join a line-up of other filmmakers, namely Slamet Rahardjo, Lutesha Sadhewa, and Bryan Domani.

Met during the Content Day activity with the FFI Ambassadors, Thursday (22/8), Dian and Andini explained their duties which are not only to socialize the 2024 FFI event to the public but also to expand the treasury of Indonesian cinema in all levels of society. As a celebration for Indonesian film workers, the FFI Ambassadors also try to raise the spirits of filmmakers who are already in the industry or not.

“In general, our task is actually almost the same, communicating about this year’s FFI. We also raise the spirit of filmmakers to continue working, including reviving Indonesian cinema,” said Andini.

Meanwhile, Dian said that it is only right that many people from all walks of life can know and even be involved in the world of Indonesian cinema. For her, films belong to everyone, not just certain groups. These are the spirits that will continue to be echoed together with other FFI Ambassadors.

“Film belongs to all Indonesian people, so it’s not just those people who say that I’m a film person, you’re not a film person, you won’t understand, you can’t do that. The film must be able to be absorbed and consumed by all kinds of people,” added Dian.

The actress who played Jeng Yah in the Gadis Kretek Series said that she once met someone who really wanted to enter the film world but felt that the door was closed due to age restrictions. Dian emphasized that she is very open to anyone who wants to enter the film world, because film is an inclusive world.

Also read: Actor Bryan Domani Opens FFI 2024 Journey in Kupang

Moreover, with the Indonesian film industry currently developing rapidly, Dian feels that there is a need for newcomers who are willing to work together for the advancement of Indonesian films.

“We actually want to embrace more people, for those who are not yet filmmakers, let’s learn because we also need more resources. Moreover, the film industry is indeed growing rapidly. One way for films to be a driving force for the country’s economy is to follow South Korea’s example, everyone must jump in and learn to play a role,” said the 42-year-old woman.

One of the tasks that the FFI Ambassador has done is opening a discussion with students regarding the Indonesian film industry at Nusa Cendana University, Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara. This activity was also attended by another FFI Ambassador, Bryan Domani.

In addition to the discussion, there was also a screening of the film Marlina the Murderer in Four Acts. After the screening, students of Nusa Cendana University participated in a competition to review the films that had been screened. Through this competition, it is hoped that interest and appreciation of Indonesian films will increase among students. (M-3)

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