Amazing how eagles have to molt to live longer

Eagle Is one birds of prey The large size belongs to the order Falcon, class Bird, family Accipitridae. They live in places with high mountains and primeval forests that have not been cleared by humans, such as the coasts of Australia, Indonesia, Africa…However, mainly eagles inhabit Eurasia with about 60 species, the remaining 11 species are found in the remaining continents including 2 species in the North American continent, 9 species in Central and South America. and 3 species in Australia. The biggest eagle has a body length of more than 1m and weighs 7kg. The smallest species is only 0.4m long and weighs more than 0.5kg. Females are usually larger than males and about 25% heavier than males.Although unproven, there are documents that indicate that the eagle has a wingspan of more than 3m and weighs up to 30kg. In fact, the eagle is smaller than that. Their wingspan is only 1.5m to 2m long.Their main food is animals ranging in size from bats to the size of a Philippine deer, depending on where they live.From above, eagles can swoop down at lightning speed to catch and quickly knock down their prey.Eagles often nest in mountains or tall trees. Their nest is very large and each year they bring back new branches to make the nest stronger than before.The Steller’s sea eagle is the largest of the nearly 100 species of eagles worldwide. Their weight is up to 10kg.Eagles have an average lifespan of about 70 years, which can be considered as one of the animals with the longest lifespan. But before reaching this age, the eagle has to go through a harsh and painful time.At the age of 40, the eagle’s beak became weak. The plumage became so thick and heavy, it was difficult to fly fast and high in the air. This is when the eagle must make two decisions: Lie down to die or undergo a painful molting that lasts 150 days.At the eagle’s nest at the top of the mountain, it will bang its beak against the cliff until it breaks apart. When the new beak formed, it began to break all the claws again.When the new claws are strong enough, it pulls out each hair on its own until it is smooth and waits for new hair to form. A painful process of molting… that surely without a strong will would be impossible to overcome.

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