Amazing details about Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck’s sex life

After months of speculation and “latest news” appearing regularly in the tabloids, it became certain on August 20: the end of Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez’s marriage in 2022. The divorce of the star couple will probably take place with enormous media interest, even the fact that they were already a couple twenty years before their wedding two years ago may be significant – we show what we know now about the dream couple’s divorce and how much wealth they can share.

After two years of marriage, Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez are divorcing

Sex may have been more important than the fate of money

One of the most important issues of the divorce procedure that is now starting will certainly be the fate of the money earned by the parties in the last two years. It seems that Affleck and Lopez did not sign a marriage contract despite the fact that this was the second marriage of the man and the fourth of the woman. So according to the current information, this means that they have to share the money earned during the two years of marriage. Provided that Affleck did not step aside until April 26, the end of their life partnership announced by Lopez, because then all the money earned together belongs to Lopez. This can mean a lot of money, in the second half of our article we will return to how much wealth it can be.

Now, however, it is worth pointing out that until the divorce that was just announced – or more precisely, confirmed by the singer when asked – many people interested in the affairs of the star couple shared the opinion that Lopez and Affleck had a contract based on saying the happy yes. This belief spread because in 2022, a central element in the numerous news reports about their marriage was – Origo also wrote – that in one of the clauses of their agreement, Lopez stipulated that they must have sex at least four times a week. According to some rumors, the reason for this stipulation can be traced back to their first engagement in 2002, which ended in 2003.

The belief that Lopez and Affleck’s marriage contract contained a clause on mandatory weekly sex has persisted, but right now it seems that there is no agreement between them – in the picture, the 54-year-old singer-actress
Photo: Instagram / Jennifer Lopez

Affleck allegedly cheated on his fiancee with a stripper, and even then Lopez would have reconciled with the man only on this condition. It is worth mentioning that Affleck denied the whole thing, as well as the misstep, considering it impossible to “regulate” their behavior towards each other in this way. Yet, the mandatory sex the presumption of “sex agreement” accepted for marriage in 2022 even now he is stubborn.

The question is, of course, how there can be a separate “sex clause” in the marriage contract, if there are no signs of a marriage contract between them.

And to add another moment to the question of weekly sex opportunities: well-known and popular media personalities in the United States, as well as addiction specialist Dr. Drew Pinsky, known for his own shows, also believe that Lopez is also medically addicted to love and sexwho is unable to live without a man and really expects her partners to follow certain rules of behavior. The field of this is not limited to the bedroom: Lopez allegedly formulated requirements for Affleck in everyday situations as well, which could even have led to the dissolution of the relationship, regardless of whether the divorce was officially initiated by Lopez.



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