Amaytois Ecologists: Embracing Change and Uniting for a Sustainable Future

2023-10-15 13:14:00

They are taking a risk, the Amaytois ecologists. They know it, but they are ready to take it on. In a year, in the municipal election on October 13, they will present themselves to citizens under a name other than the classic Ecolo. And with candidates who will not necessarily be today’s elected officials… As they announced this Sunday, during the official launch of their campaign, “we are starting from a blank page”. Even the name of the new movement has not yet been chosen. One thing is clear: it will not be a list called Ecological even if “we will keep the fundamental values”, explains ecologist Daniel Boccar.

It was the 1st alderman Stéphanie Caprasse who was in charge this Sunday, she who said the few welcoming words. Does this mean she might be at the top of the list? Future Amay mayor? No, nothing like that. She might not even be a candidate, she says,… even if we don’t believe it. But someone needed to give this speech and she felt it. “And if I’m not a candidate, it doesn’t matter. I will always be in the movement.”

“We must not get stuck in the wear and tear of power”

Hey, and Jean-Michel Javaux? Very discreet during the presentation of the new concept to all those who had responded to the invitation, he nevertheless said it clearly: he will not be a mayoral candidate. In a year, the day following the election, he will no longer be mayor but he might also simply no longer be one.

“We want to co-construct the program and the list,” explains the still mayor of Amay. “We are starting from a blank page. It’s a concept that we had already thought regarding six years ago.” The movement, which still does not have a name, is launching an appeal to anyone who wants to participate. There are already many who have joined but it will take people. To manage the Municipality but also the CPAS, the cultural center, all the intermunicipal associations. There will be room. And Jean-Michel Javaux, in all this? “I am at the disposal of the collective. I will not be mayor for the next six years but I am not going to let them go following all the work done.” After three terms as mayor, the former co-president of Écolo wants to make way for the new generation. “I no longer want to be mayor, I will be there to support.” If he is not at the top of the list, will he push it? It is not certain. Jean-Michel Javaux, however, is a vote-maker (3077 votes in 2018, Stéphanie Caprasse in 2nd place had 552). Perhaps the list does without this? Isn’t there a risk of leaving many voices behind? “Yes, it’s taking a risk; just like not wearing the Ecolo name because people are attached to it, recognizes Jean-Michel Javaux. But there is a change, an evolution in the demands of Amaytois. ” And then “I don’t want to do too many mandates. I’m always enthusiastic, I’m available to support but it’s also important to look outside of politics. First of all, I love what I do in Noshaq (Editor’s note. Liège investment fund of which he is president). We must not become hostage to our position.” Relaunching the machine by starting from scratch, “it’s something motivating, mobilizing. We must not lock ourselves into the wear and tear of power but open up.”

So, there, the ecologists open the doors to anyone who wants to join them. Together they will constitute the program, then the list. The first names? It will be for February.

#Elections #Amay #longer #mayor #dont #serve #long #JeanMichel #Javaux



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