Amaliada: “I am not the new Pispirigou” says Irini – What was revealed about her past – How did she direct her kidnapping at the age of 8?

And while everything is waiting for the results of the histological and toxicological tests for the only 15-month-old Panagiotis, who died in August 2024 in Amaliada, the 24-year-old Irini insists that she has nothing to do with the babies’ deaths.

“I am not accused. I am still waiting to this day to be told the cause of death of my two children. I am not the new Pispirigou, as some people want to present me,” said Irene.

“Until today, the cause that led to the death of the babies of my principals remains undetermined and we should expect from the competent authorities and specialist scientists those facts which will not be amenable to any dispute,” said Voula Dimitriadou, the 24-year-old’s lawyer.

Irini’s presence has been associated with the deaths of five infants in total, from 2014 when her 13-month-old sister died until last summer, with the death of little Panagiotis.

“No evidence has emerged that would even make my principals suspicious. We are not obliged to respond to any televised appearance of third parties that refer to events or behaviors, which never contributed in time during the investigation”, added the 24-year-old’s lawyer in the MEGA report.

The 24-year-old who lost both her babies in 2022 and 2023 had a difficult childhood, as the president of the Smile of the Child revealed, she even went so far as to stage her kidnapping.

“Irini was abused by her mother and her father as well. He often stole. When she was eight, seven eight, I don’t remember exactly how long, she had staged her kidnapping. Even though she had been kidnapped, we went out looking for her for hours, and then we found her tied up in an old house, but she had planned it herself,” he said.

“She was telling me it was at her mom’s, while I was talking to her mom and she had no idea. Deep down I don’t believe he has. I’m honestly shocked. I don’t like her attitude at all.”

“If she was abused by her mother, so was her father. From then on, Irini was a child who ran away completely. Most of the time he lied to me,” said a relative of the 24-year-old.

In fact, in November 2023, according to information, the 24-year-old had engaged the police, after her name was involved in a spiral of telephone scams, while 3,000 euros were found in her account, money that astute people took from a citizen.

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#Amaliada #Pispirigou #Irini #revealed #direct #kidnapping #age
It looks like you’re‌ working with a script for managing ad placements on a ‌web page, ⁤using⁢ the Google Publisher Tag (GPT) framework ⁢along with other ad ‍services. Below, I’ll provide a brief overview of some key⁢ components of ⁣the script in case you need clarification or ‍a summary on how it​ functions.

###⁢ Overview of the Script:

1.​ **Defining Ad Slots**:

– Ad slots are defined using `googletag.defineSlot()`,⁢ specifying parameters such as⁤ the ad unit path, sizes, and a⁣ dedicated div ID where the ads will be rendered. For example:

‍ “`javascript

⁢ googletag.defineSlot(‘/40897325/’, [[310,180],[560,320],[1,1],[300,250]], ‘inread_video’)

⁤ “`

2.‌ **Size Mapping**:

– Size ​mapping is defined for each ad slot using `.defineSizeMapping()`,⁤ allowing different ad sizes for various ⁤viewport sizes or contexts, which can help optimize ad performance.

3. **Targeting Ads**:

– Targeting ⁣parameters ⁣can be set‌ with ⁤`googletag.pubads().setTargeting()`, allowing for more⁤ relevant ad displays based on page type, category, and article ID.

4. **Bootstrap and Enabling Services**:

‍- ‍The script manages the⁤ Ad Manager setup, including collapsing empty divs, disabling initial​ loads,⁤ enabling single request⁣ mode, and centering ads.

– `googletag.enableServices()` is called to activate‍ the defined ad services.

5. **Displaying Ad Units**:

‌ ‍ – The `displaySlot()` function is called for each defined‌ slot⁤ to render the ads on the page. This is⁤ conditionally‍ handled based on whether‍ the user is ‍on a⁢ mobile device or desktop.

6. **AdSense ​Integration**:

‌ – The⁤ script dynamically alters AdSense ads depending on the device type. ‍It removes​ ads meant for‍ the desktop view if‍ the user​ is on mobile.

7. **Other External Integrations**:

– The script seems to include placeholders for external services like Phaistos Adman, OneSignal⁢ (for notifications),⁤ Disqus (for comments), and potentially⁢ others. These are‍ generally⁢ initialized with their respective configurations.

8. **Error Handling and Fallbacks**:

– There are various timeout functions for loading scripts, ensuring ads and external resources are attempted to load even with potential delays.

### Considerations:

-​ If planning to modify or expand on ‍this script,⁤ ensure compatibility ​with other‍ libraries or frameworks you may be using​ on ⁤your website. Testing across different devices and ​browser types is critical to ensure that​ ads⁢ display as intended.

– Follow best⁤ practices for data privacy, especially pertaining to ad targeting and tracking, which may be subject ‌to regulations like GDPR.

If you need more specific functionality or further details on any element of the script, feel free​ to ask!

It looks like you’re working with a JavaScript snippet designed to manage ad placements on a web page, integrating various ad services including Google Publisher Tag (GPT), AdSense, and others. Below, I summarize the key components and give insights into how the script functions:

### Overview of the Script:

1. **Defining Ad Slots**:

The script sets up ad slots using `googletag.defineSlot()`. This defines parameters like the ad unit path and sizes, and connects them to specific div IDs for rendering. An example is:


googletag.defineSlot(‘/40897325/’, [[310,180],[560,320],[1,1],[300,250]], ‘inread_video’);


2. **Size Mapping**:

Each ad slot can have defined size mappings via `.defineSizeMapping()`. This feature tailors ad sizes to fit various viewport sizes, helping to enhance ad performance based on user device and screen dimensions.

3. **Targeting Ads**:

The script sets targeting parameters using `googletag.pubads().setTargeting()`. This allows for displaying more relevant ads by defining specific criteria, such as category or article ID, leading to better ad relevance and potentially higher click-through rates.

4. **Bootstrap and Enabling Services**:

It handles the setup for Google Ad Manager services, including:

– Collapsing empty ad divs.

– Disabling initial ad loads to optimize user experience.

– Enabling single request mode for improved performance.

– Centering ads visually on the page.

The call to `googletag.enableServices()` effectively activates all defined services, allowing ads to start displaying.

5. **Displaying Ad Units**:

The script includes a `displaySlot()` function that is called for each of the defined ad slots, rendering ads in their corresponding HTML elements on the page. This ensures that the ads appear at their intended locations.

6. **Mobile Specific Changes**:

The script checks if the user is on mobile and disables ads that are intended for desktop users, thus optimizing content for mobile devices.

7. **Third-Party Services Integration**:

Various third-party services like OneSignal (for notifications), Disqus (for comments), and analytics tools (like Facebook Pixel, Yandex Metrica) are included via asynchronous script loading, ensuring they do not block the render of the main content.

8. **Error Handling and Fallbacks**:

The script also contains checks and balances to ensure that ads load correctly and provides a structure for handling any potential errors or loading issues.

### Conclusion:

This script is a comprehensive solution for managing advertisements across different screen sizes and devices while integrating various ad networks and services. It facilitates optimized user experiences by ensuring relevant and well-placed ads without detracting from the main content. Proper utilization of targeting, size mapping, and asynchronous loading improves loading times and maintains user engagement.

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