Alto Paraná Job Expo Presents More Than 1,000 Thrilling Employment Prospects

Asuncion, IP Agency.- A mega fair with more than 1,000 job vacancies will be held at the Alto Paraná Governorate sports center. It will take place on Friday, October 11 from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

The governor of the tenth department of the country, César Torres, confirmed that the fair will be held at the headquarters of the Government, with the presence of the General Director of Employment of the Ministry of Labor, Wilberto Otazú, and local businessmen.

This event, which will connect companies with job seekers, will take place on Friday, October 11 from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., at the Alto Paraná Governorate sports center in Ciudad del Este, the Ministry of Labor, Employment and Social Security (Mtess) reported through its social networks.

The Expo, organized by the Governorate of Alto Paraná in partnership with the General Directorate of Employment of the Mtess, aims to promote access to quality jobs in the region.

The invitation is open to all companies in the area that wish to offer job vacancies and to those seeking new employment opportunities.

Interested parties can also apply for these and other job opportunities through the Emplea Py portal, by entering .

#Fair #job #opportunities #Alto #Paraná
2024-09-10 03:01:10

Career Day Unimore

Here’s a comprehensive⁣ and SEO-optimized article on the topic of job fairs:

Title: Unlocking ⁣Employment Opportunities: The Significance of Job Fairs

Meta Description: Discover the importance of job⁢ fairs in connecting job seekers with⁣ potential employers. Learn how these events can boost employment rates and advance business growth.

Keywords: Job fairs, employment opportunities, job seekers, employers, Alto Paraná Governorate, Paraguay, Brazil,‍ Saudi Arabia

As the global economy continues to evolve, the job market has ​become increasingly competitive. In today’s fast-paced business landscape, connecting job seekers with potential employers is more crucial than ever. ⁤One effective way to‌ achieve this ​is through job fairs, which have⁣ become a staple in many countries around the world.

What are Job Fairs?

Job fairs are events that bring together companies,​ organizations, and ​job seekers under one roof. These events⁤ provide an opportunity for​ companies to showcase their available job vacancies and for job seekers to ‍explore potential job opportunities. Job fairs often⁢ feature a range of activities, including company presentations, one-on-one‌ interviews, and networking sessions.

The Importance of Job Fairs

Job fairs play a vital role in promoting employment opportunities ​and ‌advancing business ⁤growth. Here are some reasons why job fairs are essential:

  1. Connecting Job Seekers with Employers: Job fairs provide a⁤ platform for job seekers to ⁤connect with potential employers, increasing their chances of ​securing employment.
  2. Promoting Business Growth: Job fairs allow‌ companies to ⁤access a pool of skilled and ⁣talented individuals, ​enabling them to ⁣find‌ the right candidates for their​ job ​vacancies.


Here’s a PAA (People Also Ask) related question regarding the topic of Alto Paraná:

Alto Paraná: A Region of Opportunities

Located in the heart of South America, Alto Paraná is a department in Paraguay that offers a unique blend of natural beauty, rich culture, and economic opportunities. With its capital city, Ciudad del Este, being one of the largest cities in Paraguay, Alto Paraná has become a hub for commerce, industry, and tourism.

A Region of Natural Beauty

Alto Paraná is situated on the banks of the Paraná River, the second-longest river in South America [[3]]. The region is characterized by its lush green forests, rolling hills, and vast plains, making it an ideal destination for nature lovers and adventure seekers. The Paraná River, which forms the border between Paraguay and Brazil, offers stunning views, exciting water sports, and a chance to explore the region’s rich biodiversity.

Economic Opportunities

Alto Paraná is a region of great economic potential, with a strong focus on agriculture, industry, and services. The region is known for its rich soil, ideal for farming and livestock, making it a key player in Paraguay’s agricultural sector. The city of Ciudad del Este is also a major commercial center, with a thriving market and a range of shopping centers and malls.

Job Opportunities

In recent times, the region has witnessed a surge in job opportunities, making it an attractive destination for individuals looking for employment. The Alto Paraná Governorate has taken several initiatives to promote employment and economic growth in the region. One such initiative is the mega job fair, which is set to take place on October 11, 2024, at the Alto Paraná Governorate sports center [[1]]. The fair aims to connect companies with job seekers, offering over 1,000 job vacancies in various sectors.

Expat Community

Alto Paraná has a growing expat community, with many individuals and families moving to the region for work or to start a new life. The region offers a range of amenities and services, including international schools, healthcare facilities, and recreational activities. The expat community in Alto Paraná is active and vibrant, with many online forums and social media groups dedicated to connecting expats and providing information on living and working in the region [[2]].


Alto Paraná is a region of great beauty, economic potential, and job opportunities. Whether you’re an individual looking for a new career opportunity, an expat seeking a new life, or simply a traveler looking to explore the region, Alto Paraná has something to offer. With its rich culture, stunning natural beauty, and strong economy, Alto Paraná is a region that is definitely worth considering.


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