Getting mad
So far, so good ?
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It is an edifying study1 which has just been published in the British Medical Journal (BMJ), a big name in medical research. It concluded that, in the general population, no change was seen with respect to general mental health. Finally, everything is going very well… except for the womendont « significant worsening of symptoms […] is worrying “. Except for the the elderly, whose mental health is also not at the top. Neither that of students nor that of persons belonging to a sexual minority. OK, OK… but then? Is it going well or is it going badly? In fact, this study acknowledges having collected data only on a privileged population and that ” few strong studies have been conducted with vulnerable groups, and it is possible that some population groups experience different mental health issues than the general population…”. It is possible, indeed. And among the most vulnerable, what regarding children? THE Parisian/Today in France of March 13 unveils a report adopted unanimously by the High Council for Family, Childhood and Age (HCFEA) which studies the malaise of young people aged 6 to 17.
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Mental health of young people, the urgency to act
We learn that children are subject to more depressive episodes or mood disorders, and that the medical profession prescribed high doses of psychotropic drugs. These are tens of thousands of kids who would be drowsy and apathetic, stunned by overmedication of substances reserved for adults. Between 2014 and 2021, the consumption rate among those under 20 increased by 48.54% for antipsychotics, + 62.58% for antidepressants, + 78.07% for psychostimulants such as Ritalin, and + 155, 48% for hypnotics. If the reasons mentioned in Le Parisien would be school pressure, social media, or eco-anxiety, it is to forget a little quickly the impact of the health crisis. No problem, the report undertakes to recall this by clearly stating that a ” set of authorities and experts alert […] since 2020 on the significant deterioration in the mental health of children and adolescents during the Covid-19 health crisis – and beyond, on the failures of the psychiatric care system. » A psychiatry which is, particularly for children, the poor relation of medicine.
Bibliographic references
1. Y. Sun, Y. Wu, S. Fan et al., in BMJ, March 2023.
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