Already 300,000 climate tickets in Austria

2024-09-22 04:08:15

The Austrian climate ticket has broken the 300,000 mark for the first time. “300,000 climate tickets – I would never have dreamed of that when it was introduced three years ago. This success shows that people want to switch to sustainable mobility. We just have to create the right offers,” said Climate Protection Minister Leonore Gewessler (Greens). Most customers are therefore in Vienna.

The customer survey also shows “a positive shift effect” for 2023: “Year-on-year, 62 percent of Climate Ticket Austria customers who also use a car have further shifted their mobility behavior to public transport, 33 percent of them even significantly. In addition, the proportion of Climate Ticket Austria customers who do not use a car rose from 16 to 19 percent from 2022 to 2023. “The Climate Ticket Austria therefore particularly supports people who want to be mobile even without a car,” the ministry said in a press release.

Most customers are in Vienna (97,800), followed by Lower Austria (69,300) and Upper Austria (53,200). Further regions follow: Styria (18,500), Salzburg (17,900), Tyrol (17,000), Carinthia (8,800), Vorarlberg (7,500) and Burgenland (6,700), as well as 3,300 customers who do not live in Austria.

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