Aloe vera vs pimple: does it work or not?

2024-09-24 08:40:42

Thanks to Laurence Lebrun, pharmacist-herbalist. Her blog:

Healing, antiviral, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, soothing, rich in water … Aloe vera is a plant full of benefits! Moreover, it has been used since Antiquity for its properties and aloe vera gel is a treatment sold for decades in pharmacies where it is recommended to help healing, moisturize the skin, soothe itching, in the treatment of irritations … And to put an end to pimples? Let’s take stock!

Acne: Does Aloe Vera Eliminate Pimples?

Acne is the lot of many of us. And not just teenagers and young adults since 25% of adults suffer from acne (more or less severe), especially on the face but also on the body! Blackheads, whiteheads but also more or less marked traces of acne on the skin … Is aloe vera worthy of interest? Of course! All its properties and benefits contribute to making it a natural treatment recommended in the treatment of visible skin conditions linked to acne.

The use of thealoe vera against pimples is quite simple. You just need to either get some aloe vera gel or take some directly from a plant. And a very small amount of gel, directly placed on the pimple is more than enough to benefit from the action of this natural gel! As for the method, it is better to apply a very small amount several times (no more than 4 times a day) because aloe vera can be slightly irritating for the most sensitive skin, fragile skin and reactive skin! To increase the action of aloe vera tenfold and make disappear small acne pimplesthe gel can be used in synergy with tea tree essential oil which also has a healing, anti-viral and anti-bacterial action.

Can you get rid of a cold sore with aloe vera?

A little sun, too much stress or simply a little episode of fatigue and presto, a cold sore appears. Most often, a burning and tingling sensation around the lips appears 1 or 2 days before the sore. This one is very contagious and to avoid passing it on to your family or friends, avoid kissing until the lesion has disappeared, do not drink from other people’s glasses or bottles of water and, more generally, do not touch the affected area (or wash your hands well afterwards). You should count on a maximum of 10 to 15 days before the cold sore goes away.

Aloe vera, a natural remedy to quickly make a cold sore disappear

If you are not patient by nature, there is a simple remedy that can be made at home in a few minutes. Its secret? Its main ingredient: aloe vera … whose action is boosted when combined with tea tree essential oil. ! Aloe vera and tea tree will thus act together and promote healing, but also allow the little pimple to benefit from their anti-viral and anti-bacterial action…

Aloe Vera Cold Sores Gel: The Recipe

The ingredients : a jar of aloe vera gel, tea tree essential oil.
The materiall: A stick or mini whisk for mixing.
Utilisation : Mix 10 drops of tea tree essential oil with aloe vera gel and mix with a clean stick.

Although the operation is rather simple, it still requires some precautions! We preferably choose a leaf at the base of the plant and cut it. At this point, a yellow liquid will flow: it is not the one we use on the skin and we must let it flow completely. Only then do we open the leaf in two to recover a transparent and slightly viscous gel: the aloe vera gel !

Aloe Vera Gel and Pimples: Dangers and Precautions

Concerning aloe vera, it is especially in internal use that there can be dangers to health; so much so that the French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health Safety (ANSES) even had to sound the alarm about eating aloe vera! Indeed, if the mucilaginous and transparent gel is edible and without risk, the gel located under the skin of the plant and in contact with the gel is on the other hand toxic. It is latex, containing a irritant and carcinogenic moleculealoin. Hence the danger of aloe vera in self-medication…

It should also be noted that aloe vera gel when used topically can cause an allergic reaction, hence the need to be vigilant at the slightest sign of an allergic reaction.

What about aloe vera gel in products and creams that are found in stores? Before applying it to the skin, here too, some precautions are necessary:

Aloe vera gel can contain water and various other ingredients; if they are not really dangerous, they are also not indicated in the treatment of pimples. In a good product, water should not appear first in the list of ingredients, the aloe vera gel must be certified by the International Scientific Committee for Aloe Vera; a standard that ensures the quality of products and treatments based on this plant. Whether you buy in a pharmacy, on the internet or on Amazon, the ideal is therefore to favor an organic aloe vera gel validated by this standard, a guarantee of quality.

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#Aloe #vera #pimple #work



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