Almost nine minutes: the long battle that caused Oren Samadja to fall apart

The round of 16 match at the Paris 2024 Olympics will probably not be forgotten by Peter Pleczyk in the coming years, as will his coach Oren Samadja. The match against Orléan Dissa from France was dragged to a golden score and lasted a total of nearly nine minutes, until Dissa received a third penalty and thus suffered a loss.

On paper, the 11th-ranked Palacic was a favorite against the 50th-ranked local, but Disa has slipped in the rankings due to a series of injuries he has suffered. The fight itself was very intense and aggressive, during which the two Judeans show signs of fatigue. In the end, Pleczyk had the last laugh much to the dismay of the home crowd.

Alongside the pictures of Palacic’s celebration, the fight provided a great picture of Samadja looking as exhausted and excited as his apprentice. The coach of the men’s team, as we know, went to the Olympics about a month after he lost his son, the late Omar Samadja, who fell in the Gaza Strip.

Oren Samadja. Exhausted from the second fight, photo: Oren Aharoni a month and a half after the fall of his son – Oren Samadja broke down from excitement after Palachik’s victory, photo: Oren Aharoni Peter Palachik celebrates after the round of 16, photo: Oren Aharoni Peter Palachik celebrates after Round of 16, photo: Oren Aharoni

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