Almost everything about Janet Jackson, on Canal + docs

In Janet Jackson, an unpublished documentary series, the little sister of the “King of Pop” recounts her journey full of pitfalls. To see from this Monday, April 11 on Canal+ docs at 8:55 p.m., and on MyCanal.

Released a year ago on Amazon Prime, the excellent documentary Framing Britney Spears completely changed the perception we had of the pop star. Since then, Britney Spears has been rehabilitated. Will this Janet have the same effect for Janet Jackson? In the 1990s, the youngest of the Jackson siblings was an absolute star. Focused on fifteen years, his career has been rewarded with five Grammy Awards and 180 million albums sold. Carried away by accusations of pedophilia against her brother Michael, then boycotted after the “Nipplegate” at the 2004 Super Bowl, where a breast escaped from her outfit after a too abrupt gesture from Justin Timberlake, she disappeared. Almost two decades later, at 55, she is preparing the release of her twelfth studio album. This four-hour series that she produced with her brother and manager, Randy, caused a sensation in the United States when it was released at the end of January 2022. The story is chronological, the production classic, but the unpublished archives are numerous.

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Beyond the powerful and touching portrait of a woman who dreams of independence, this miniseries tackles subjects as diverse as battered children, racism, misogyny, the destructive power of the tabloids, the ravages of celebrity or even complicated relationships with food.

In the opening scenes, she returns for the first time in four decades to the family lodge in suburban Chicago where she was born in 1966. She is the youngest of ten children. To get out of poverty, Joe Jackson relies on the musical talents of his children. Stop beating them. Janet was 7 years old when her brothers, reunited in the Jackson Five, became the equivalent of the Beatles. The Jacksons move to a wealthy white neighborhood in Los Angeles. The house parties with Diana Ross, David Bowie, Sammy Davis Jr. follow one another. Janet dreams of a normal childhood. But, at school, she suffers from racism. When she was 8 years old, her father put her on stage in Las Vegas. Two shows per evening. “He never asked my opinion, he ruled my life.Later, she wants to study law. He will force her to become a singer. Shot from 2018, the year Joe Jackson died, the film isn’t hagiographic, but Janet Jackson doesn’t want to get angry with anyone. His father? “He was tough, but without him we wouldn’t have had a career.Her husbands, drug addicts or unfaithful? Forgiven. Justin Timberlake, who didn’t lift a finger to defend her in 2004? “It’s my friend.” She defends Michael Jackson. “Everything is fine“, insists, despite her misty eyes, the one who does not want to pass for a victim.

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