Almost 9 out of 10 citizens shop online: how much do they spend on it per month? | Business

On average, residents spend regarding 100 euros per month when shopping online, and compared to the situation three years ago, they spend less money on food products or restaurant dishes.

“The habit of regular online shopping, formed during the pandemic, has become established. Although there are no more restrictions on physical trade, the number of people shopping online has increased slightly over the past few years. It is true that the frequency of shopping decreased slightly following buyers returned to traditional physical retail outlets,” says Deimantas Trumpickas, director of the Fund Management Sales Support Department at Swedbank.

The jump in online shopping was fixed in 2021. during the pandemic, when the number of regular online shoppers in the country increased by regarding one and a half times compared to 2018. Over the past three years, the number of online shoppers has grown by regarding 3 percent.

Swedbank’s representative predicts that online purchases will continue to expand, as in the youngest age group of buyers under the age of 25, no units were purchased online, while in all age groups up to the age of 56, 9 out of 10 residents purchased online.

Only residents aged 56 and older use e-commerce significantly less – 64.2 percent stated that they bought online in the last six months.

Men, respondents with higher education, higher incomes, residents of big cities and district centers indicated that they bought online more often.

He spends regarding 100 euros per month on internet purchases

Residents spend an average of 97 euros per month when shopping online. In three years, the average amount of expenses decreased by 4 percent. Every third resident currently allocates 51-100 euros per month for online shopping, a similar amount – 25-50 euros, and almost a fifth – 101-200 euros.

“Young people up to 25 years old 20-year-olds shop online almost without exception, but they usually spend up to 100 euros per month, and buy relatively few for larger amounts. Higher expenses are recorded for economically stronger people, aged 36-45. in the age group of the population, here one in ten spends up to 500 euros and more than 500 euros per month when shopping online,” observes D. Trumpickas.

About 8 percent of the population shop online for up to 25 euros per month, similarly, this part of the population spends 201-500 euros. 2 percent respondents indicated that they spend more than 500 euros per month when shopping online.

26-50 euros were more often mentioned by the residents of big cities and district centers, while 101-200 euros were mentioned by those with higher education. There are no significant differences between genders in terms of amounts spent on online purchases.

The largest part of the population, 39 percent, buys online 3-4 times a month, 25 percent. – once a month, 14 percent. – once every 2-3 months. At that time, the share of the country’s population who shop online several times a week or every day is 16 percent, it has slightly decreased in the last three years.

According to survey data, 26-35-year-olds shop online more often several times a week. age, respondents with higher incomes, 3-4 times a month – respondents with average and higher incomes.

Food purchases decreased, travel increased

In the survey, the signs of the previous pandemic are obvious: following it ended, the purchase of food and beverages online decreased significantly, while the sales of airplanes, hotels, tours, events, as well as transport tickets jumped up.

This year, 26 percent said they bought food and drinks online. of respondents, when three years ago there were 33 percent. Younger respondents and residents of big cities bought food and drinks online more often this year.

54% stated that they bought plane tickets, hotels and trips online. of respondents and this number jumped by 17 percent in three years. points up, the sale of tickets to events rose to 63 percent. in 26 percent points. 46 percent bought transport tickets online. of those surveyed – three years ago their share was 29 percent.

Residents mostly buy clothes and footwear online (73%), beauty, health and cosmetic goods (68%), electronic goods, computers and household appliances (63%), tickets to events (63%).

Clothes, shoes and accessories are bought more often by women, beauty, cosmetics and health goods are also bought by women, aged 26-55 and respondents with the highest incomes. Men and respondents with higher incomes are more likely to buy electronic goods, computers, household appliances, and tickets to events are more often bought by women, respondents with higher incomes and residents of big cities.

On behalf of Swedbank, a representative survey of public opinion was conducted by the market and public opinion research company “Spinter tyrimi” from April 24 to May 6. 1009 Lithuanian residents aged 18-75 were surveyed.

#citizens #shop #online #spend #month #Business
2024-07-21 04:16:59



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