Almost 245,000 food products were donated in the “Maisto bankas” campaign

As reported by the organization, pasta is traditionally the most donated, and the number of canned meat and fish and oil donations has also increased significantly.

The head of “Maisto bankas” Simonas Gurevičius states that society does not remain indifferent to poverty.

“In order to make a basket of support as balanced as possible, this time we asked people to donate protein-rich food – canned meat or fish, if possible. Compared to previous years, the number of these products has really increased, which means that people heard our request,” said S. Gurevičius.

In the 35th campaign of “Maisto bankas” the most people who donated were residents of Plungė, Švenčioni, Radviliškis, Marijampolė, Tauragė, Švenčionėliė, Kelmė, Mažeikiai, Kretinga, Vilkaviškis, Zarasai. Compared to last year’s campaign, 20-30 percent more products were collected in these cities.

The people of Kėdainiai and Utena were the most involved in the campaign, it is estimated that every tenth resident of these cities donated. The value of the average support basket also grew, this year it amounted to 4.72 euros.

The “Maisto banka” campaign took place in 71 locations in Lithuania, in 367 stores, and 276 different organizations caring for the needy participated in the campaign.

It is planned that the donated food products will be distributed to the needy in all organizations by Christmas. For some, food packages will be prepared, for others, support is provided by supplying ready-made warm food, some of which will end up on the shelves of recently opened “Maisto bankas” drop-offs.

Currently, “Maisto bankas” supports more than 230 thousand people throughout Lithuania. Almost 30,000 people were provided with donated food products in the campaign held in the spring. people.

The campaign organizers are happy that 6,685 volunteers contributed to the “Maisto bankas” campaign this year, which is a record number of volunteers compared to the last three years.

#food #products #donated #Maisto #bankas #campaign
2024-09-24 00:33:00



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