Today 9790 new infections are reported. There are currently 2086 hospitalized. 31 infected people have died since yesterday. The seven-day incidence is highest in Vienna.
The corona numbers continue to point downwards, and the number of Covid patients in hospitals is also falling noticeably. According to the ministries, 9,790 officially confirmed new corona infections have been reported in the past 24 hours. 2086 people were treated with Covid-19 in the hospitals on Friday, 120 fewer than the day before. 174 seriously ill people had to be cared for in intensive care units (ICU), 13 fewer than on Thursday.
In the ICU area, the number of patients fell by 29 within a week. However, this should also be related to the fact that there are still a number of deaths. 31 deaths have been recorded since Thursday, a total of 222 in the past seven days. The Covid 19 pandemic has so far claimed the lives of 16,390 people in Austria. 182.5 people per 100,000 inhabitants have died from or with Covid-19 since the beginning of the pandemic.
The 9790 new cases of infection are below the seven-day average (10,367). The seven-day incidence (number of new cases per 100,000 inhabitants, note) is currently 808.1. The federal state with the highest seven-day incidence is currently Vienna with 1055, followed by Lower Austria, Burgenland and Vorarlberg (1011.1, 895.4 and 823.7 respectively). Then follow Upper Austria (750.7), Styria (588.6), Carinthia (588.3) and Salzburg (583.1). The clearly lowest incidence is in Tyrol with 491.9.
The wave is also flattening out in hospitals
As of Friday, there were 146,933 active cases in Austria, 6701 fewer than the day before. The flattening of the omicron wave is clearly evident when you look at the infection and hospital numbers on the two previous Fridays. A week ago (April 8), almost 14,100 new infections and almost 2,600 hospitalized Covid patients were reported, on the previous Friday (April 1) there were almost 23,400 new infections and more than 3,000 hospital patients.
Since the beginning of the pandemic, 4,036,813 confirmed corona cases have been registered in Austria. 3,873,490 people have recovered since the outbreak of the epidemic, and 16,460 people have recovered within the past 24 hours.
Positive rate at 8.2 percent
As far as testing is concerned, 130,199 rapid PCR and antigen tests have been registered in the past 24 hours. Of these, 119,593 were meaningful PCR tests. The positive rate of the PCR tests was 8.2 percent. This 24-hour value is above the average for the past week (an average of 5.4 percent of the PCR tests positive).
68.7 percent with valid vaccination protection
3360 vaccinations were carried out on Thursday. 6,171,691 people and thus 68.7 percent of Austrians have valid vaccination protection. The protection rate (valid vaccination certificate) is highest in Burgenland at 75.1 percent. In Lower Austria, 70.9 percent of the population have a valid vaccination protection, in Styria 69.4 percent. After Vienna (67.8), Tyrol (66.7), Carinthia (65.5), Salzburg (65) and Vorarlberg (64.6), Upper Austria brings up the rear with 64.3 percent.