Almost 100 places in rural areas for Family Medicine in Aragon – Health job opportunities for MIR doctors

2023-05-27 04:00:15

The Health offer for Family Medicine has almost 100 places in rural areasGOVERNMENT OF ARAGON

Will rural health in Aragon seduce doctors who have just finished their training? Will they stay to work in the community? The questions will yield answers on June 7, when the Health will carry out a centralized call for 184 places in Family Medicine. Of them, Nearly 100 are to practice in the Aragonese rural environmentwhile to a lesser extent there are vacancies for the three largest capitals or towns such as Calatayud, Barbastro or Monzón.

The lack of health professionals in rural areas due to working conditions is a long shadow that, together with the little pull of Family Medicine among young people, leaves in the air what response there will be from the MIR that have just finished for his first job.

It would not be surprising if the places offered for the largest municipalities are the first to be filled on June 7. It remains to be seen, however, how lucky the contracts are to work in Towns like Mirambel, Pitarque, Maella, Josa, Radiquero, Boltaña, Bailo, Godojos, Torreciudad, Oliete, Jabaloyas, Orihuela del Tremedal, Navardon or Utrillas, to name just a few.

The 184 places that the Health has made available to the MIR that finish (and any doctor in the bag) were published on May 23. They correspond to positions for Family Medicine and Continuing Care Medicine, most of them on the morning shift.

Interim vacancies

Regarding the type of contracts, almost 100 of the 184 positions are vacant interim, while around 60 correspond to replacement contracts for different reasons such as maternity or paternity leave, transfers or long-term leave. On the other hand, slightly more than 20 positions are interim positions in the temporary program, that is, they correspond to positions that were previously temporary and have now been converted into interim positions.

By health sectors, in alcaniz 26 positions will be offered of family medicine, practically all of them to practice in rural health centers, except between three and five places that will be to work in Alcañiz.

in the field ofBarbastro there is an offer of 19 places distributed among various towns, except for five in Fraga, three in Barbastro and two in Monzón. In calatayudfor its part, 10 positions are contemplated Work for Family Medicine. In this case there is a balance between the urban and rural environment because 5 places are for practicing in the city of Calatayud, while the rest are distributed among the Primary Care teams of Daroca, Alhama de Aragón or Sabiñán.

In the health sector of Huesca there are 22 places, most of them in the rural environment. Thus, there are 5 positions for the Biescas team, one for Broto, another for Hecho or two for Jaca, for example. Doctors will also be able to opt for contracts in Sariñena, Sabiñánigo or in health centers in the capital Huesca.

Only two in Teruel capital

The Health offer also contemplates 22 places in the health sector of Teruel. In this case, only two Family Medicine contracts are offered in the capital (Teruel Centro and Teruel Ensanche). The rest of the places correspond to Primary Care teams that must provide care to towns such as Baguena, Ferreruela, Villafranca, Bueña, Blancas, Pozuelo del Campo, Albentosa, San Agustín, Aliaga, Cedrillas, Alfambra or Mora de Rubielos, among others.

Finally, in the health sectors of Zaragoza I, II and III, given their territorial limitation, there is a greater distribution with the urban area because places are offered in Primary centers of the Aragonese capital such as Arrabal, Actur Norte or San Pablo. However, there are also contracts for Zuera, Fuentes de Ebro, Cariñena, Épila or María de Huerva.

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