Almog Booker is leaving News 13

“It was a difficult decision”: Journalist Almog Booker, one of the most familiar faces associated with News 13 over the past two decades, announced this morning (Sunday) that he is leaving the channel and joining News 12. Booker’s move, who will serve as the news company’s southern commentator and “Olfan Shishi” commentator, comes in the shadow of the ongoing crisis in the network 13 – and a few days following a similar decision by his colleague, the political reporter Sefi Ovadia, who joins the team of the program “Ovda”.

“I am embarking on a new path. I am embarking on a new path but choose to continue at the same point on the map. The Otef. The south. This is my home. And these days when we are fighting for our existence, for me there is no more important role than being the voice of the residents. In the Otef. In the south,” Booker wrote today , “After 17 years I’m leaving News 13 and moving to serve as a reporter and commentator for the south of News 12 and a commentator for the Friday studio. It’s hard to leave a place you grew up in. The cliché says that a workplace is a home, but in the last year when I lost my real home, my physical – News 13 It was an anchor for me. News 13 was like a family to me, and it’s always hard to leave these days.”

The announcement of Booker’s new position comes regarding a month following the publication in Mako of the decision of Tamir Steinman – the current southern correspondent of News 12 – to move to the central region and integrate into other positions at the news company. In his announcement today, Booker explained that “It was a difficult decision, perhaps the most difficult I have made in my professional life, but I decided that it was time to go for a new challenge, one that would allow me to take another step in self-fulfillment and in activities to place the South at the top of the public agenda, even on days when there is no war. When all the abductees and abductees It’s a moment of farewell for me more than ever. I’m sorry to say goodbye to my friends who are in a very important struggle these days. I’m leaving now I had the honor and privilege of working alongside them. After countless struggles we went through together, in this struggle, the most important of all, I am still with you, even if from the outside.”

Booker also added: “17 years in which you allowed me to shine a spotlight on injustices, you allowed me to change reality. And when it hit us ten months ago, thanks to the screen we were also able to save lives. I hope that News 13 can continue to expose and illuminate the dark sides of life out of loyalty to the values ​​of the profession And to the viewers. Thank you for standing behind me even when I was wrong, for being there for me in every escalation, and especially for always giving me the space to fulfill my vocation, the reason I chose this important profession, to be a messenger of the most important region (for me) and together, we often placed the The south in general and the surrounding area in particular are at the top of the agenda.

“Thank you for allowing me to shout what is in the hearts of the residents of the Otaf dear to my heart. To our hearts. Thank you and sorry. Now I am turning to a new challenge, thank you to News 12 and thank you for the trust, I promise to repay.”

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