Almendra wants to apologize in Boca: what the referents think

The midfielder said he wants to talk to the coach and the players, to apologize for his act of indiscipline. What do the referents think about this possibility?

The return of the midfielder Augustine Almond to the reserve of Boca aroused all kinds of reactions in the Xeneize microclimate, especially after the footballer breaks the silence and claims to be sorry for what happened. So the question on everyone’s mind is: How will the coach, Sebastián Battaglia, and the rest of the squad take this change in attitude?

At first, Despite the repentance expressed by Almendra, the position of the leaders of the campus would not change at all. For now, maintain absolute support for the decision made by the coach on February 28, when he decided to separate the young midfielder from the squad. In fact, Since then they have not had any communication with Almendra.


The coach, likewise, would remain firm with his decision to keep him separated from the squad, even despite the change in the footballer’s attitude. However, it remains to be seen if the football council -who tried to rebuild relations between the player and the DT- seeks to arrange a meeting so that there is a formal apology and thus see if they resolve the conflict.

Almond, sorry for his acts of indiscipline in Boca

After having scored a great goal to give Boca Reserve the victory 3-2 against their peers from Vélezthe midfielder Augustine Almond talked with ESPN Y He stated that he was sorry for what happened at the end of February and that led to his separation from the campus.


I spoke with Román (Riquelme) the day of the game with Arsenal, I went to greet him in the box and I told him that I wanted to play again, that I wanted to apologize to everyone and that I am very sorry for everything that happened. Luckily I had a very positive talk with him. The first thing I was looking for was to have a chat with him and with the Football Council. I wish I could have one with the DT“He expressed, making it clear that he seeks to at least open a channel for dialogue.

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