Almagro Anticipates Major Hurdles in Reaching Agreement During the 54th General Assembly

The Secretary General of the Organization of American States (OAS), Luis Almagro, acknowledged that there may be “great difficulties” in reaching agreements at the 54th General Assembly of the organization that begins tomorrow in Paraguay, because the region is “plural and diverse.”

“We always have great difficulties in reaching agreements. One looks at the region and realizes that we have (leaderships) of all kinds. We have right and left, we have populists of the left and right, some outside the system, we have everything,” Almagro said at a press conference.

The former Uruguayan foreign minister, who is leading his last Assembly as Secretary General, said that “the great advantage that the OAS has is its plurality and diversity” and that this condition has allowed it to endure over time as a forum, unlike other organizations “that tried to view the regional agenda in an ideologically monolithic way.”

“The discussion has to be plural, it has to be diverse and include everyone. If one person were to remain silent in the OAS, we would not truly be representing democracy in the region and we would not be the main political forum in the region,” Almagro added.

Almagro’s statements came hours after the U.S. ambassador to the OAS, Frank Mora, confirmed that Argentina had requested changes to the resolutions that include mentions of gender equality and human rights and that will be put to a vote during the summit.

Mora urged the government of the far-right Javier Milei not to turn the approval of the final texts into a “show” and stressed that it is not possible to “enter into renegotiating something that was already negotiated.”

Paraguay’s Foreign Minister, Rubén Ramírez Lezcano, said at the same press conference that he hopes the so-called Asunción Declaration “will be adopted by consensus” and explained that the text “reflects political consensus” on issues such as strengthening democratic institutions, the fight against transnational organized crime and climate change.

The inaugural session of the 54th Ordinary Assembly of the OAS will take place on Wednesday in Asunción, the country’s capital, while the plenary sessions, which will extend until Friday, will take place in the neighboring city of Luque.

The political and human rights situation in Haiti, Nicaragua and Venezuela will be the main topics to be discussed during the summit, as well as integration and security for the sustainable development of the region.

#Almagro #anticipates #great #difficulties #reaching #agreements #54th #General #Assembly
2024-09-18 18:18:29

– What challenges is OAS Secretary​ General Luis Almagro anticipating at‌ the 54th General Assembly?⁢ ​

Title: ‍OAS Secretary General⁣ Luis Almagro Warns‍ of “Great ⁤Difficulties” in Reaching‍ Agreements at 54th‌ General Assembly

Meta⁤ Description: Ahead of the 54th⁢ General Assembly of the Organization of American States (OAS), Secretary General Luis Almagro⁤ acknowledges the challenges of ⁢reaching agreements in a “plural and diverse” region.

Keywords: Organization of American States, OAS, Luis Almagro, 54th General Assembly, Paraguay, Plural and Diverse Region, Democracy, Human Rights, Gender Equality

The Secretary General of the Organization of American States (OAS), Luis Almagro, has ​expressed his concerns about the likelihood of ‍reaching agreements⁢ at the 54th General Assembly of the organization, ‍which is set​ to begin in Paraguay.⁤ In a press conference, Almagro acknowledged that the region’s pluralism and diversity may lead to “great difficulties” in‍ finding common⁤ ground among member states.

A Region of Contrasts

The OAS ‍Secretary‍ General pointed out that the⁢ region is characterized by a wide range of leadership styles, ideologies, and political ⁤orientations. “We have right and ⁢left, we have populists​ of the‍ left‌ and right, some outside ​the system, ⁢we have ‌everything,” Almagro said. This diversity, he believes, is both a strength and a weakness, as ‌it ⁤can lead to robust debates and​ disagreements.

The Value​ of ​Pluralism

Despite the potential challenges, Almagro emphasized the importance of ⁤maintaining a plural ​and diverse ‌organization. “The ⁢great advantage that the OAS has is its plurality and diversity,” he said. This ​condition has allowed ⁢the⁤ OAS ⁣to ⁤endure ⁢as a ⁣forum,⁣ unlike other organizations that have attempted to impose a‌ monolithic ⁢ideological approach.

Inclusive ⁤Discussion

Almagro stressed that the‌ OAS must prioritize inclusive and diverse discussions, ‌ensuring that all member states have a voice. “The ‍discussion has ⁤to be⁢ plural, it has‌ to be diverse and include everyone. If one person were to remain silent ⁤in the⁣ OAS, we would‍ not truly be representing ⁢democracy ‍in the⁢ region and we would not be the main ​political forum⁢ in the region,” he added.

Controversy Surrounding Resolutions

The Secretary General’s comments came hours after the ​U.S.⁢ ambassador to the OAS, Frank Mora, revealed that Argentina had requested changes to resolutions related to gender equality‌ and human rights. Mora urged the Argentine⁣ government not to attempt to‌ renegotiate previously agreed-upon texts, emphasizing‌ that it is not possible to reopen discussions ‌on already negotiated ‍issues.

Paraguay’s Hopes for Consensus

Paraguay’s Foreign ⁣Minister,‌ Rubén⁣ Ramírez Lezcano, expressed his ‍hope that the Asunción‍ Declaration, ‌which focuses ⁢on ‍strengthening democratic institutions and fighting⁤ transnational organized⁤ crime, would be adopted by ⁣consensus. ⁣He underscored‍ that the text reflects a political consensus⁣ on key issues among OAS member ⁤states.

The Path Forward

As the 54th General ‍Assembly ‍of the OAS gets ⁣underway, ⁣the‌ organization faces the‍ daunting task of finding common ground amidst its diverse membership. Secretary General Almagro’s remarks serve as ‌a reminder of the importance of inclusive and respectful dialogue in fostering cooperation and advancing democracy in the region. Will the OAS be able to overcome its differences and emerge stronger ‌from this assembly? Only time will tell.

About the ‍Organization of ​American States

The Organization of American States (OAS)‍ is‍ a ⁢regional organization that brings together 35‍ member states from North, Central, and South America, as well as the Caribbean. Founded⁢ in 1948, the OAS aims to promote democracy, human rights, and economic development in ⁣the region. The organization’s General Assembly is its⁤ highest decision-making body, comprised of representatives from all member states.

What challenges did OAS Secretary General Luis Almagro mention for the 54th General Assembly?

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OAS Secretary General Luis Almagro Warns of “Great Difficulties” in Reaching Agreements at 54th General Assembly

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