Allied Forces Launch Historic Airstrike on Vienna: A Turning Point on September 10, 1944

2024-09-09 22:26:35

Under Tuesday, September 10, the book of history records, among other things:

1419: Hundred Years’ War: On the Yonne Bridge in Montereau, Duke John “without fear” of Burgundy is murdered by supporters of the French heir to the throne (the later King Charles VII).
1914: The Vatican publishes the appeal “Ubi primum” by the newly elected Pope Benedict XV, which calls on the warring powers to initiate peace negotiations. (On November 1st, the encyclical “Ad Beatissimi Apostulorum Principis” follows, calling for an end to war, hatred and contempt for humanity.)
1914: The German offensive in France is halted, and the war of movement increasingly becomes a war of position.
1919: State Chancellor Karl Renner signs the treaty with the victorious powers of the First World War in the castle of Saint-Germain-en-Laye near Paris. The Austrian Republic is treated as the legal successor to the defunct Austro-Hungarian monarchy and loses, among other things, South Tyrol up to the Brenner Pass to Italy.
1944: First heavy air raid by the Allies on the city of Vienna.
1949: The Hungarian government accuses Yugoslav leader Marshal Tito of ordering his secret services to assassinate Hungary’s three most important communist officials.
1974: The Republic of Guinea-Bissau in West Africa is recognized as a sovereign state by the former colonial power Portugal.
1984: The new members of Chancellor Fred Sinowatz’s government are sworn in: Franz Vranitzky replaces Herbert Salcher as Finance Minister. Helmut Zilk is elected Mayor and Governor of Vienna, succeeding Leopold Gratz, who joins the government as Foreign Minister.
1989: The Hungarian government allows thousands of GDR citizens to emigrate to the West.
1994: Pope John Paul II arrives in Croatia for a visit and celebrates a mass in front of a million people.
1999: The parliamentary elections in Portugal bring a convincing victory to the Socialists led by Antonio Guterres.
2004: Immediately before the third anniversary of the attacks of September 11, 2001 in the USA, the terrorist network Al Qaeda has made a statement. The USA is on the verge of defeat in Iraq and Afghanistan, says Osama bin Laden’s deputy, Ayman az-Zawahiri, in a video message.
2004: Acquittal in the Haban trial: Massimiliano F. is acquitted in full in the Vienna Regional Criminal Court. The prosecution had accused him of having robbed the luxury jeweler “Haban” on Vienna’s Graben on May 9, 1998, together with two fellow countrymen, during which the manager Siegfried Goluch was shot.

Birthdays: Thomas Sydenham, British physician (1624-1689); Charles Sanders Peirce, US philosopher and natural scientist (1839-1914); Robert Wise, US film director (1914-2005); Maria Litto, German actress (1919-1996); Arnold Daniel Palmer, US golfer (1929-2016); Judith Nelson, US opera singer (1939-2012); Thomas Allen, British opera singer (1944); Ryan Phillippe, US actor (1974).
Deaths: John “without fear”, Duke of Burgundy (1371-1419); Gabrielle-Émilie Marquise du Châtelet, French philosopher (1706-1749); Ernst Tomek, Austrian church historian (1879-1954); António Agostinho Neto, first president of Angola (1922-1979); Max Morlock, German footballer (1925-1994); Alfredo Kraus, Spanish tenor (1927-1999); Richard Kiel, US actor (1939-2014).
Name days: Nikolaus, Diethard, Theodard, Jodokus, Pulcheria, Justus, Isabella, Jezabel, Karla, Moses, Ottokar.

#September #heavy #air #raid #Allies #city #Vienna

September 10 events

September 10: A Day of Significant Historical Events

September 10, a day like any other, yet filled with a⁤ multitude of historical events that have shaped the world as we know⁣ it today. From wars to birthdays, this day ⁤has seen its fair share​ of ⁢significant happenings.

War and Conflict

On September ⁢10, 1419, Duke John “without fear” ‍of Burgundy was murdered ‌by supporters of the French heir to the throne (the later King Charles VII) on‌ the Yonne Bridge ⁤in Montereau, marking a significant event in the Hundred Years’ War. [[1]]

Fast forward‍ to the early 20th century, and September 10, 1914, saw ⁣the Vatican⁣ publish the appeal “Ubi ‍primum” ‍by newly ‍elected Pope Benedict XV, calling ⁣on warring powers to initiate peace⁣ negotiations. ⁣Later that year, the German offensive⁢ in France came ⁢to a halt, marking ‌a shift from a war of movement to a war of position. [[1]]

In 1940, Canada declared war on‍ Germany, and ⁣Buckingham Palace in ⁤London was hit by a German⁤ bomb. Two years⁤ later, in 1942, British RAF dropped 100,000 bombs on Dusseldorf, Germany, and British troops began their advance into Burma. [[1]]

Politics and Government

On September 10, 1919, State Chancellor⁣ Karl Renner signed the​ treaty with the victorious powers of World War I, solidifying the Austrian‌ Republic as the⁢ legal⁣ successor to⁤ the defunct Austro-Hungarian monarchy. Austria lost South ​Tyrol up to the Brenner ‍Pass to⁣ Italy as a result. [[1]]

In 1949, the Hungarian government ​accused Yugoslav⁢ leader Marshal Tito of ⁤ordering his secret services⁤ to assassinate Hungary’s three most ​important⁤ communist officials. [[1]]

In ⁢more ⁣recent​ years, September 10, 1974, saw the Republic of Guinea-Bissau in West ‍Africa recognized as a ⁣sovereign state by Portugal, its ⁤former colonial power.⁤ [[1]]

Celebrity Birthdays

September 10 is also a special day⁣ for​ many notable birthdays. Thomas‍ Sydenham, a ⁤British ⁤physician,‍ was born in 1624. Charles Sanders Peirce, a US philosopher and⁣ natural scientist, was born‍ in 1839.‍ Robert Wise, a US film‌ director, was born in​ 1914.⁢ Maria Litto, a German actress, was born in 1919. Arnold Daniel Palmer, a US golfer, was born ⁢in 1929. Judith Nelson, a US opera singer, was born in 1939. Thomas Allen, a British opera singer, was also born on this day. [[3]]

Sewing ‍Machine Day

In the United States, September 10 is celebrated as ‌Sewing Machine Day,⁤ in tribute to ​Elias Howe’s patent received on this day ⁣in 1846. [[3]]

As we reflect on⁤ the events of September 10, we are reminded of the complex and ​multifaceted nature of human history. ⁤From wars ‌to birthdays, this ‌day has ⁣seen its fair share of​ significant happenings‍ that have shaped the world as we​ know it today.





What is special About September 9

Historical Events on September 9th

September 9th is a significant day in history, marked by numerous events that have shaped the world we live in today. From wars and treaties to birthdays and notable deaths, this day has witnessed a wide range of occurrences that have left their mark on human history.

1419: Hundred Years’ War

On this day, Duke John “without fear” of Burgundy was murdered by supporters of the French heir to the throne (the later King Charles VII) on the Yonne Bridge in Montereau [[3]].

1914: World War I

The Vatican published the appeal “Ubi primum” by the newly elected Pope Benedict XV, calling on the warring powers to initiate peace negotiations[[[2]]. Additionally, the German offensive in France was halted, and the war of movement increasingly became a war of position.

1919: Treaty of Saint-Germain-en-Laye

State Chancellor Karl Renner signed the treaty with the victorious powers of the First World War in the castle of Saint-Germain-en-Laye near Paris, marking the Austrian Republic as the legal successor to the defunct Austro-Hungarian monarchy[[[2]].

1944: World War II

The Allies launched the first heavy air raid on the city of Vienna, further intensifying the war effort.

1949: Cold War

The Hungarian government accused Yugoslav leader Marshal Tito of ordering his secret services to assassinate Hungary’s three most important communist officials.

1974: Independence of Guinea-Bissau

The Republic of Guinea-Bissau in West Africa was recognized as a sovereign state by the former colonial power Portugal.

1984: Government Reshuffle

The new members of Chancellor Fred Sinowatz’s government were sworn in, with Franz Vranitzky replacing Herbert Salcher as Finance Minister, and Helmut Zilk elected Mayor and Governor of Vienna.

1989: Fall of Communism

The Hungarian government allowed thousands of GDR citizens to emigrate to the West, marking a significant shift in the Eastern Bloc’s stance towards the West.

1994: Papal Visit

Pope John Paul II arrived in Croatia for a visit and celebrated a mass in front of a million people.

1999: Parliamentary Elections

The parliamentary elections in Portugal brought a convincing victory to the Socialists led by Antonio Guterres.

2004: War on Terror

Immediately before the third anniversary of the attacks of September 11, 2001, in the USA, the terrorist network Al Qaeda made a statement, claiming that the USA was on the verge of defeat in Iraq and Afghanistan.


This day also marks the birthdays of several notable figures, including Thomas Sydenham, British physician (1624-1689); Charles Sanders Peirce, US philosopher and natural scientist (1839-1914); Robert Wise, US film director (1914-2005); Maria Litto, German actress (1919-1996); Arnold Daniel Palmer, US golfer (1929-2016); Judith Nelson, US opera singer (1939-2012); and Thomas Allen, British baritone (1944-present).

September 9th has been a day of great significance, marked by numerous historical events that have shaped the world we live in today. From wars and treaties to birthdays and notable deaths, this day has witnessed a wide range of occurrences that continue to impact our lives.






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