Alliance Lima vs. Colo Colo: Carlos Bustos considered that they arrive “very well” at the duel for the Copa Libertadores | RMMD | SPORTS

Shortly after the match that Alianza Lima must play against Colo Colo for the second date of the Copa Libertadores 2022, Carlos Bustos made statements to the media of the blue and white team. The intimate coach evaluated the present of the team and highlighted the quality of the Chilean team.

Regarding the constant meetings that they have been having for Copa Libertadores and Liga 1, Carlos Bustos replied that “The team has responded well from the physical and football side. Surely with the important series of games, there will have to be a rotation of players. It’s what we like the most, playing with continuity and having games in a row”.

Bustos highlighted the importance of the victory against UTC:“It’s very important, we needed this victory, especially because of the start we had in the tournament. It suits us very well to arrive with a lot of confidence for the game we have against Colo Colo”.

On the quality of the Chilean team that they will face on Wednesday, April 13 for the Conmebol Libertadores: “Colo Colo is an important team that comes in handy in the local tournament. He made a great presentation against Fortaleza for the Copa Libertadores, he has very dynamic players, with a lot of imbalance. It’s going to be a nice match.”

The state of the blue and white players

“To the players who have had more minutes, we are going to prioritize recovery. We will work more with the players who have had less minutes and above all in the understanding of the game that awaits us. The analysis of the rival to arrive in the best way to the game”, DT said regarding how they plan to train these days.

“We arrived very well. It is important to rest after these two intense games that we had. There are the boys who already came with some annoying people who did not come to Chile and Aldair Rodríguez also drops out ”, Busts finished.


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