Alleged car thieves crash and overturn a truck while fleeing from the PNC


Alleged car thieves crash and overturn a truck while fleeing from the PNC

A chase in Petén ended with the arrest of two men accused of stealing a farm-type truck.

The two men tried to escape after being intercepted by police officers who were chasing them for allegedly stealing the vehicle they were driving. The two men, one of them a Honduran national, crashed into a tree and overturned the vehicle. (Photo Prensa Libre: PNC).

After a chase, the National Civil Police (PNC) captured two subjects who apparently They stole an agricultural type vehicle in San Francisco, Petén.

Police officers who were carrying out patrols were alerted of the theft of a vehicle, so they proceeded to search for those responsible.

According to police information, when locating the alleged thieves, the subjects began high-speed escape maneuvers.

The Minister of the Interior, Francisco Jiménez, described “intense persecution” the actions taken to arrest two suspects responsible for the theft of a small truck.

Read more: Stolen truck recovered in Xela with merchandise valued at Q280 thousand

The Police assure that the subjects were unable to control the vehicle and collided with a tree. As a result, the vehicle ended up overturned on the road.

The detainees are identified as Luis “N” and Cristofer “N”, both 25 years old. The latter of Honduran nationality.

The men were captured in the Antigua Población neighborhood, zone 2 of Santa Elena, Flores, Petén.

The PNC reports that the vehicle was recovered and those arrested are being taken to be brought before a judge.

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