All the winners of the Martín Fierro Digital 2024


The Delivery of the Martin Fierro Digital 2024organized by APTRA (Argentine Association of Television and Radio Journalists), He left an extensive list with All the winners of this award, that awards different figures linked to communication on social networks and other digital spaces.

The awards ceremony, held in the Rüt Haus Hall, was initially hosted by the Chino Leunis and Juli Castro, who later gave way to Ferbo and Candelaria Ruggeri. During the ceremony, They awarded 32 statuettes and two Golden Martín Fierro.

The top awards went to: Luquitas Rodríguez y Miguel Granados. In turn, the two had already won the award for Best Youtuber y Best Digital Interviewerrespectively. But this was only part of the ceremony, as seen in the Full list of the winners of the Martín Fierro Digital 2024.

Martin Fierro Digital Gold

Getaway and Free Time

The most influential in X

Best Urban Content

Best children’s content

Best Cosmaker 2024

Best Opinion Content

Best professional thematic content

Best Cosmodel

Best thematic content


Best Cosplayer 2024

Best gastronomy content

Best Humor Content On TikTok

Best humor content on YouTube

Community and Memes

Male one-man comedian

Female one-woman comedian

Best entertainment content on Instagram

Social awareness

Best entertainment content on TikTok

Best humorous content on Instagram

Girl Power

Best entertainment content on YouTube

Feats de humor / sketch

Major TikToker

Best Youtuber

Best Instagrammer 2024

Best streamer

Content creator

Digital Interviewer

The most interactive

The most voted on social networks

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