all the weather forecasts for the season –

What will the weather be like in the winter of 2024-2025? The site answers the question about long-term forecasts “The latest projections indicate a winter season with some important differences compared to what has happened in recent years. This year’s winter could be colder than those of recent years. In fact, the maps describe a warmer season than the reference thirty-year average, but only slightly, this means that it could be colder than what has been observed in recent winters, with a season similar to those of the early 2000s. It means that it will also be a snowy winter? In fact, according to what is described in the model projections, the conditions for a snow-rich winter are all there. The necessary cold should not be lacking and there will probably be no shortage of precipitation either.”

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The weather experts then continue with the analysis, recalling that the current autumn also has the flavor of years ago, with incursions of cold alternating with heat and copious rainfall. “There should be regular snowfall in the mountain areas and, perhaps, even more than one sortie on the plains and coasts of the Peninsula.”

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